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Ever hide a game you play from others?
Yep, title says it all; do you, or have you hidden a game you play(ed) from other people such as friends and family? If so, why?

For me, the most obvious ones I can think of would be Japan developed indie games. Such as the Touhou Project ones because somehow I think someone catching me playing a game with an almost entirely female manga-style cast won't win me much respect :P
Same deal with Katawa Shoujo, (read: Western made, Japanese-style dating sim with disabled chicks) for reasons you're probably already thinking of after reading between those brackets.

Other than that, I don't like playing Bayonetta whilst my parents are around (sooo much sexual innuendo and such), and don't like having to explain to some of my friends why graphics don't determine how good a game is when playing Dwarf Fortress or SNES games.

But the games I keep most hidden from everyone would be my small collection of Ryona games. If you don't know what that is, I do not encourage you to find out. If you do, you should understand
(and also some Guro...)

So what about you? What games have you kept hidden from your friends and family?
katawa soujou I understand why you hide, but wtf touhou seriously? Show them okuu on lunatic and they will have mad respect for you.

I don't play any dating sims but I watched amagami ss without hiding, so I wouldn't say I would hide any dating sims if I did play.

I guess I just don't play much dodgy stuff. I play plenty of violent stuff and stuff with innuendo (it's pretty awkward when a really sexual part comes up and theres someone else watching you play, thats for sure) but never hid anything :/
The only thing i try to hide are commentarys (Its kind of weird walking in and seen your son watch someone else play a video game, most of the time grown men or women.) And The fact i watch animes like FLCL and high school of the dead. No games though.
I have so many hentai games on my computer that I can never let it see the light of day.

162 GB of pron, about half of it hentai games :s And that's excluding the laptop.

So ye, I hide games I play from others.

Annndddd I just realized I need to get out more ._.

Originally Posted by 4zb41 View Post
But the games I keep most hidden from everyone would be my small collection of Ryona games. If you don't know what that is, I do not encourage you to find out. If you do, you should understand
(and also some Guro...)

So YOU'RE the person ruining ma tentacles. Looking forward to Iris Action? :3
Last edited by Oracle; May 27, 2012 at 06:31 AM.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by BarneyStinson View Post
Honestly, hentai and porn is for people who can't get laid. I'm not trying to offend anyone. But, come on guys...

Oh, and you have never watched porn ever in your life?
People like anime.
People like porn.
People like anime porn.

Don't insult others please, this thread is for opening up to others without judgement.
Well, I have 2 games that I hide from my friends and my parents. Some old hentai game and Grand theft auto 4. The only reason is hentai is totally ilegal game on our family (obvious isn't it?) And about Grand theft auto 4, my brother always talking about violents, adult content..etc. I cannot "throw away" my 20 dollars just because of that words
Originally Posted by Shmevin View Post
Oh, and you have never watched porn ever in your life?
People like anime.
People like porn.
People like anime porn.

Don't insult others please, this thread is for opening up to others without judgement.

pretty sure we're allowed by law to insult anyone who watches anime porn