Original Post
[tex]my first try at a head texture
So this is my first try at making a head, so don't be too critical please.
The head is free and anyone can use it. If you use it in a set(which I highly doubt will happen) cite that I made it. This head was made using GIMP 2.0

Thanks for looking at them. If you really like them then I may make some more. Just PM me.
that sucks dude...seriously.. u need waaaay more detail...anyways...either get good or dont make em...please..

PS r thos eyes in the back of his head?...weird
Originally Posted by Blancester View Post
that sucks dude...seriously.. u need waaaay more detail...anyways...either get good or dont make em...please..

PS r thos eyes in the back of his head?...weird

Insulting other artists on their FIRST TRY on a head texture is stupid. Don't be retarded. ...anyways. either get good (at constructive criticism) or don't post it... please..

Anyways, the head is alright. I like the simple style, but I think it needs a lot less starburst and a lot more select n' fill, if `ya know what I mean.

Edit: Do you mind if I edit it and send it back in a private message?
It is decent, for a first head. I see you used gradient flare, when using make sure the light rays don't go of the layer or you will get a crease looking thing where it isn't lined up. As you go on in your art career, I'm sure you'll improve. For now, the head is just a bit detailed. I recommend looking under the tutorials thread for texturing, for some tips. Also, Blancester, please read the rules for the art thread.
Last edited by Meatacle; Dec 15, 2010 at 03:15 AM.
I am a terrible person :(
Thanks for looking at it! Also, Brains10, if you want to then have at it. I will be working on some new heads that I will sell, but I wanted to know what people thought of this one. Thanks for giving the criticism and I don't care about harsh criticism, I'm used to it from other things.
lol...sry bout that I feel bad was a rash thing to do..i was with my friends...anyways not bad for first try...(hint: youtube tutorial's are useful)
Hey, for any of you who want to know, I have a new (but still very noobish) head texture for sale in the market. I'll take fairly low offers. Or, you could just look and tell me what you think. Heres the link to it.
Last edited by Nameless; Dec 15, 2010 at 05:44 AM. Reason: forgot the link