Original Post
So can you get banned for banning someone? I don't think so but I see this guy on the forums a lot so I don't know


not really that either, its the internet so people will insult/hate one another with little reasoning
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
The only time you'll get banned for banning someone as OP is if it's for scamming or bets being active iirc.
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Please do correct me if I have incorrect information, thanks.

Let us say that a host/OP of a server was LightRay and a normal player called NoKi1119 joined that very same server.

LightRay can ban NoKi1119 as long as it does not contradict this small list:-
  • Having a nudge that was bought earlier by either placing X amount of Toricredits in the Decapprize, or sending X amount of Toricredits/Items to OP/Host(LightRay).*
  • Dueling, which leads to scams.
  • Betting in general, whether it is self betting or betting on someone.*

If you do kick or ban someone who had bought nudge(s), you must have a VERY good reason(racism, toxic, spamming...)with screenshot proof(s).
Any cropped in-game screenshot is considered invalid.

Not sure if the same goes with kicking or banning while having a active bet and/or dueling, since they are refundable by the Host/OP(or spawn-able by shopadmin, depends[although I am not sure]).

Or at least, those are what I know of.

By the way, ZhuYuan was banned for almost a month a few days ago, so this screenshot should be old or taken a few days ago, no?

*=Not only in betting servers.