Original Post
Godly Page
Hello Everyone this is Tully a leader of godly, which by the way is a new clan. We need advice on this clan page,, thank you for the advice!
your welcome

What kind of advice are you looking for?

If it's based on looks, I'd say you need a more professional looking logo, because that one sort of looks like it was made in MS paint. Also I think the headers should all have the same style.
Oh, and I think you need to revise those rules because I think I've read somewhere that you can't make people post x amount of times in x amount of time. (< make sense? :s)
Last edited by WTFlow; Nov 11, 2014 at 01:32 PM.
moved to rapid threads, please be more careful where you're posting in future

also can you specify exactly what you need help with?
Yeah thanks i just talked to the support about where to put it. But what I am looking for is to tell me how it could be more proffesional. And yeah I talked to my clan about the logo we are gonna make a more neat one. Btw WTFflow thank you for the tip
Last edited by tully3; Nov 12, 2014 at 12:11 AM.
1. The Godly Logo is way too huge
2. The logos for the sub-titles different, huge no-no
3. I can barely tell what the logos say
4. Have different names instead of te generic "leader" "co-leader"........
Have it be like "God" "Demi-God" "Angels" and so forth for the titles
Don't Be Racist
What do you mean center the page? Oh and thank you for the advice! I just remembered we are godly xD making it look godly