Original Post
All of your GMT's is belong to me
Yeah, I need every ones GMT's
D3m0nz gmt -5
Lexx gmt +2
Orko gmt -5
Andreyoshi +6
3akoh gmt +6
mrootz gmt+1
thedafa13 +7
rob9722 -5
dragonbreath -5
Vog +7
Last edited by millie; Nov 25, 2011 at 06:16 PM.

GMT +6
If your opponent is stronger,then his actions must fall out of the limits of his understanding... (c)3akoh
seeing as essence and MM are allies, you guys wouldnt mind if i post something.

nice clan tag

and u did the meme wrong >:<

ill take my leave now <3

also, GMT+1.