Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Pandora, My Family
So I don't think our current activity is sufficient to sustain a board as pointed out by <insert mod name here> so I shall say some words, leave some info and Pandora will be free to evolve or decay as necessary. This is the story as much as I can currently remember.

First of all Toribash was really important to me in the beginning. I remember it being a game that intrigued and excited me. I played and I learnt of the status and power of the community. I saw people like Hampa, KiTFoX, Hebrewhamr, Chac, CMon, Siku, Hamster, hanz0, Ishi, Cevius, suomynona. I felt an immense connection and desire to be a part of that community. I sought out clans and posted throughout the site, learning so much as I went. I joined a few clans which dissolved, finally joining a clan called Freelance.

As Freelance was dissolving a merge happened and two clans became 'Corrupted Ancients.' "Core" as it was called, finally resolved to being Pandora after numerous changes.

Time passed. Acavado joined and paved the way for Fluffy to finally join and suddenly we were all a very tight community. We conversed multiple times daily and I'll never forget that feeling of connection between us. Lars and Fluffy fell out and I eventually stepped in one time or another but we still kept it together.

The loss of Lars was large and I still think about it every now and then. Acavado hasn't posted in about six months which has caused sadness in Fluffy and I.

If this be the end, then I shall say that it's been a wonderful ride. I don't wish to lose any of you as friends or memories. Brubert, Acavado, fluffykat, crazylars, kaddon, and Dbuhos. I love all you guys.

To make sure I have contact with you guys:
Skype Account: giles.dodsworth
Steam: Puff

I wish luck to all who came through this clan, the numerous amount of unnamed people who contributed.
Summed up beautifully.

I have met so many people through this community, most of which I no longer have any contact with, but a few remain.
It has been very emotional, and I'm very thankful for the time spent here.

To the few of you who still remain: I love you all.

In case anyone wants to find me

crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3