Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Rules and regulations
Main Rules:
Please note that breakers will be eliminated.
Please do not close this thread
  • Please do not spam in our boards, that materials is for wibbles.Respect all Admins, board moderators and the system of the clan. If you don't like how we run the place, please, contact Renkai on IRC.
  • We are not invite only. If some new player in-game comes up to you and asks who's the leader of the clan, direct them to the nearest exit. If they are interested in joining, they should know who the leaders are.
  • No name change topics. If we find ourselves in need of a name change, one of the leaders will make a thread about it.
  • Asking for items is strictly forbidden. It is begging, and against the global rules. If there is a thread about an item giveaway, you may ask, if you rules of the thread allow it.
  • Unintelligent threads will be deleted. These fall under the category of spam threads, or threads that break the global rules.
  • Leaders have the final say in everything. If you tell someone they are in the clan without permission from at least two of the leaders, punishment will be distributed.
  • Elites may suggest certain actions to be taken. Leaders can do said actions if they want to.
  • Abusing your position in the clan will result in termination.
Further rules will be added as they are suggested in the posts below.
Stupid posts will be merged, and deleted.
Last edited by Larry; Sep 23, 2009 at 05:21 AM.