Original Post
How can i know...
I wanna know the dimensions of the textures I have in my deactivated. I cant tell them because i didnt buy them.

It means i can be selling a 512x texture for the price of a 128x.

This should be corrected btw, there should be an option to see more details of the textures you have.

Unless it is possible and im a douche . -.
Last edited by Sidvicious; Feb 25, 2012 at 12:06 AM.
I think when you buy larger textures it will say "256" or "512" in the name :3 So my guess that anything that doesn't have that is a standard 128x128 texture.
sorry I was writing this when the post above was posted, no intention of a double post

You do have the option of deleting your post ;)
Last edited by marcus; Feb 25, 2012 at 03:59 AM.
I hate living in Texas -_-