Original Post
Betting server problem.
I'm in this server and everytime the op loses he nudges him self and everytime he is about to lose he cancels the bets.

Is there anyway we can have this stopped?
Probably best way to deal with it is to have a friendly chat with an online gk (gamekeeper), currently only one is Dr_Strangelove. "Bad op betting scam" is the new popular way to be an ass in tb. Of course remember who the bad op is and avoid his rooms.
I think that betting servers should only be held by Game Masters.

Regular users don't seem to be mature enough run one on there own.
There is nothing you can do, its there server, but if they do this, less people will go.

Handclap, there GM's now :P
I apologise for this post.
Right, this does indeed seem to be a new fad to gain money and be a general ass when hosting by non-gm's.
Next time this happens please take a screenshot and inform us and we'll look into it, if you like you could just pm me the screenshot and i'll have a word with the guy.
however, nudging oneself in a betting server every once in a while is fine, doing it every match is not.
As for betting servers hosted by non-gm's, a lot of the time they're fine, the better ones tend to be done by clans, player owned ones are the ones that have problems.
But yea, just shoot me a pm if this kind of thing happens again o7

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.