Orko, he would be cool to have in ethr, but again it probably is a joke, is it me or is Orko forever afk? Everytime i see him in server's he is completely afk.

These stupid people thinking it's gonna end...
Isn't the story like a few thousand year's ago there was a tribe that had a calander all the way up to 21/12/12 and then it stopped, anyway here's a few explanation's:
1. They ran out of what ever they used to make the calander.
2. They are trying to scare people for no reason.
3. They are fucking dick head's that think they can see into the future.
Yea ave it will be a normal day :3
Originally Posted by Ninjacam View Post
Orko, he would be cool to have in ethr, but again it probably is a joke, is it me or is Orko forever afk? Everytime i see him in server's he is completely afk.

These stupid people thinking it's gonna end...
Isn't the story like a few thousand year's ago there was a tribe that had a calander all the way up to 21/12/12 and then it stopped, anyway here's a few explanation's:
1. They ran out of what ever they used to make the calander.
2. They are trying to scare people for no reason.
3. They are fucking dick head's that think they can see into the future.
Yea ave it will be a normal day :3

Actually, the real mayan calender recycles itself.
I.E: It starts again once it finishes its cycle.
The entire 2012 hoax was started in '03, we don't have much to fear unless there's like a radioactive superman going around biting people into explosive zombies. Now, that would be pretty awesome. Let's make that happen.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Ok so 6 minutes left till i am suppost to die i will keep you updated with this bullshit.
EDIT 1: Only one awake in the house and it's very silent 5 minutes left.
EDIT 2: Feeling sick now i have a migrain :c
EDIT 3: Final minute left i'm fucking scared D:
EDIT 4: Well mayans failed that time didnt they it's 21/12/12 and i'm not dead. Since your behind me i'm like in the future for you arent i :3
Last edited by Ninjacam; Dec 20, 2012 at 12:03 PM.
Hey guys.

I read little and seems that you generated a little spam couple pages ago. ;_;

And as Inf said don't talk about piracy or anything thats illegal here.

Anyway my holidays started to day and im pretty happy about it.
Sad that no one replyed no my set request yet.

Ninja. Here it is only 12:54pm.

Well i have 11 more hours to live than you.
And that was kinda a spam too.

I don't think anyone else has thought that the Mayans were like "The fuck? Why are we even doing this? I'm making a calendar while I could be fuckin'.... eating corn or some shit? (I dunno.)"

Or in short they realized they weren't really accomplishing anything. Except for maybe some trolling an a lack luster movie in a couple of millenia.

Also we should have a second impact like nge. That'd be sick. Getting vaporized is super fly.
Um, I'm confused here? I'm in Australia and we're like a fuck ton ahead of the world. It's only 9:00 PM here? So Ninjacam I dunno what you're on about but we still have 3 hours left until the world ends.

Amnesia is Rendering in Sony Vegas as we speak. HD Mode Activate Oh and please don't laugh at my voice, I have a lisp. I've had to have 2 plates that lock over your teeth for a year, they were helping to adjust my jaws back into 'normal' place. Don't laugh k? ;_;

[Atlantic] [Ethr] [Team Australia]

12:18 AM - Sonic: I fucking want a bisexual pride flag cake.
Mweb's: I live in New Zealand and we are ahead of you here it is the 21st 12:10 pm.

Stuff having that in your mouth i wouldn't do that in a million year's unless it was so bad it needed to be done.

Anyway's imma go to bed cya in the morning enjoy the end of the world :3
Wht the hell It is 6:50 am on the 20th, how are you guys so far ahead?!?!
Yay, inferno is back :3
I might have a problem not presents... I have 1 last day (tomorrow) to use Photoshop... I haven't even started your stuff... So I will either rush, or give cheap stuff... It makes me feel ba doing that but I feel like that is my only option...
Last thing, had my concert last night, pretty cool. There was an obe solo, and the obe players obe broke, so it sounded REALLY weird. Also I had a solo :3
Last edited by Nijia; Dec 20, 2012 at 12:56 PM. Reason: Fixed the word Last/Players
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Originally Posted by Ninjacam View Post
Well mayans failed that time didnt they it's 21/12/12 and i'm not dead. Since your behind me i'm like in the future for you arent i :3

Not all humans live in 21/12/12 now , like me.
I'm currently still in 20/12/12.
So.. better wait a few hours :P
And also some other fool predicted that the world would really end next year , 30th of April.
Damn, you guys are trying to get these posts fast. Also, I never noticed that you guys have 100,000 thread views. Nice.

NinjaCam, humanity has been wrong since 1999-2013. What do you expect? They will never be right, they are retards who form rumors for the fun. They think it's going to end but it never does. It won't end, not this year, not next year, not the year after that, etc.

Best Laugh