Ave: I havent seen him for awhile, yea i think you should apply us for official, this time we WILL get it.

Yay my mum told me where my stuff was when my ipod had 5% left of battery (she hid the charger to), so anyway i got all back, going to the mall now, be back soon :3
alex dont let the bed bugs bite.
<hampa> tree what do you think about the new clan system?
<treestand> Garlic Bread.....Garlic Bread...
Originally Posted by Soap View Post
Yeah, Bbush. It's different in other places. I live in Texas, but I used to live in North Dakota and that's how it is there.
As for the recorder, Hypercam 2 doesn't use a watermark I think. But I suggest downloading one illegally. Lol. Much better than Hypercam 2.

Actually, I have a cracked Hypercam 2. It's not unregistered.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
60 more posts to go for the ninja to do his work.

Avengd you better get them ninja skills ready

Best Laugh

Oh hai treestand you should come back to Ethereal.
Very close to 10k post's, who's gonna get dat post.
When do you come back ave it feel's like a long time since i saw you ingame
I want to play some TB but I'm bored of TB right now xD SOMEBODY HELP MEH OUT!
DemoniaProduction's advice of the day: Zero is not a tech expert, don't trust his advice.
Play TB but also play another game so you arent bored and get to play it.

So play 2 games at once. Anyways Hi Demonburn, welcome to Ethr. I know its a bit late but its never late for a HI!
Yeah do what abdy said I eigther making portraits or playing another game on a other window. Although that still doesnt relieve my boredum.... but it works!

@Ave: I miss you Hope to see you later or sooner. ;)
"You're not welcome in Gamindustri."
Originally Posted by Soap View Post
Cozza: Hypercam 2 is decent, but I think Bandi Cam is better.
And Mwebs, if you don't have a problem with downloading things illegally, then you should get camtasia off of a torrent website.
Sorry for you Ninja. At least you have your iPod =P
I might have my electricity on at my house tomorrow or Friday. Hopefully. If so, I will be able to get on.
Did pretty good in semester exams today. Got an 86, 88, and something else. Don't know that yet.

Please don't talk about the Awesome crime of Piracy, and it's many spoils.
But, Hypercam sucks imo. I can never get it to record decently.

Originally Posted by mwebs1 View Post
Soap, what country are you from? There are different marks in different countries, right now I have no idea what those numbers mean! xD

Pre-Recording Amnesia today for you guys, with a microphone

Yay, mics!

Originally Posted by MrBoXMan View Post
*A wild Box appears*

@Ave: when you come back, me love you long time.

@Depression: it's a bitch but live life day by day, 'cuz yolo

@Current Covo': I used Camtasia for a bit, but now I use it for editing shit.

I still feel like shit, I'll probably be back to normal Friday or Saturday.

NO, That saying is so stupid.
Hope you feel better though.

Originally Posted by Isolations View Post
80-89 is a B. 90-100 is an A.

I bombed my english midterm. My teacher like "There's only 35 questions on this test but I'm giving you the entire class period to finish it. Use your time wisely."

Ofc I'm like "Oh ok. I'll take a nap before I start." I go to sleep. Wake up to the teacher telling the class that we only have 13 minutes left.

So I get to answering 10 of them. And fill in the other 25 randomly. Yey.

That's so how I spent my freshman year at high school. You're probably gonna fail though. :3

Originally Posted by Nijia View Post
Cozza, I am a good kid XD. I am from New Yrok (not city). My school is cool and all but there are druggies, lol. Got a concert now, bye!
EDIT: I dont do drugs btw

You should sell chips after school when they're all high and stuff, you would make a bunch of money off their munchies. (Just Kidding)

Originally Posted by Soap View Post
Yeah, Bbush. It's different in other places. I live in Texas, but I used to live in North Dakota and that's how it is there.
As for the recorder, Hypercam 2 doesn't use a watermark I think. But I suggest downloading one illegally. Lol. Much better than Hypercam 2.

Texas, Fuck yeah. You just became that much more awesome to me. Still, no Piracy talk, I don't want a clan mod coming in here with a shotgun.

Originally Posted by Avengd7x View Post
We have over 100,000 views, Congrats guys.

Idc what inferno says, I am applying us for official when I get back.

Also, where is inferno?

You're the only person that asked. <3
I had some troubles with family yesterday (and for the better part of today), Everything is good now though.

Originally Posted by treestand View Post
alex dont let the bed bugs bite.

I'll probably report this if you don't delete it. Jus' saying.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
We all gunna die tomorrow D: I don't wanna die a virgin

Seriously I bet it will be a normal day lol

Also what's up with the random spam tree?

P.s. I invited orko to the clan, he pmed me asking to join so I sent him an invite. I bet it is a joke though lol
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>