Endurance Onslaught 6.0
my computer is really old, and I crash out of the game while loading like 10% of my games, and it takes about 3 minutes to get back in, and sometimes my computer freezes and I have to restart it and I come in like 10 minutes late all the time, and I'm sure I get reported a lot, and I haven't been banned, yet my friend who has left 2 matches has been banned before, so you have to give props to leavebuster for at least being somewhat accurate
Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
I get banned a lot because my laptop is temperamental and can overheat/crash at any given moment, so I'm currently levelling up my smurf. I try my best not to be an arse but playing with some of these people is frustrating beyond belief. I'm not a great player but I play at a level where the people I am matched with will generally know when they/I make mistakes, and no issues are made of it when they happen. However, the people I am paired with on the smurf apparently never make mistakes and will rage-feed if you suggest otherwise. I find that very few of my games are enjoyable, especially given that nobody seems to respect pick order etiquette.

Get an external fan; they actually help a lot. I got one cheap at Walmart for $15 dollars.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

My elo is 1098. I'm guessing that's bad, considering it's bronze. I think I'm 5:8 now or something? Yeah, 5:8. I played another ahri solo mid and our jungler carried like crazy, I got ganked really early so I went pretty awful. Oh well, thankfully the jungler was a lot better than me and managed to get our victory.
Shinigami Chop!
Originally Posted by BladesOnToast View Post
My elo is 1098. I'm guessing that's bad, considering it's bronze. I think I'm 5:8 now or something? Yeah, 5:8. I played another ahri solo mid and our jungler carried like crazy, I got ganked really early so I went pretty awful. Oh well, thankfully the jungler was a lot better than me and managed to get our victory.

You're doing pretty well for being a new player. I knew nothing when I started playing ranked and at the end of season 1 I was only 1251. I reached 1467 in s2 thanks to Rengar's awesomeness and went 2/0 with him in season 3 before he got ruined. Since then I've lost 2 games as Cait and Darius and now even in ranked, at an unranked elo of 1367.

For elo, their are 5 tiers.

  • Bronze: Between 0 and 1149 (Team: 0-1249) (Top 100%)
  • Silver: Between 1150 and 1499 (Team: 1250-1449) (Top 68%-13%) Majority of Active Player Base
  • Gold: Between 1500 and 1849 (Team: 1450-1649) (Top 13%-1.5%)
  • Platinum: Between 1850 and 2199 (Team: 1650-1849) (Top 1.5%-0.1%)
  • Diamond: 2200 and above (Team: 1850+) (Top 0.1%)
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
I was 1340, but I went on a 7 game losing streak...

It all started when I had an afk Lee Sin, which turned into a 4v5. My elo dropped to 1310 or something. My next 6 games I had at least 1 feeder or an afker, or one REALLY bad player. Not i'm 9-12 with a 1150 elo or something

I have 2946 ip now and 1390 rp, would it be better to buy shaco and wait for any of his skins to go on sale or wait until I have enough to buy darius and wait even longer until one of his skins go on sale?
Dose is dead.
Originally Posted by Dose View Post
I have 2946 ip now and 1390 rp, would it be better to buy shaco and wait for any of his skins to go on sale or wait until I have enough to buy darius and wait even longer until one of his skins go on sale?

Buying champions with rp is stupid imo, also, dont buy darius.
Originally Posted by sham View Post
I was 1340, but I went on a 7 game losing streak...

It all started when I had an afk Lee Sin, which turned into a 4v5. My elo dropped to 1310 or something. My next 6 games I had at least 1 feeder or an afker, or one REALLY bad player. Not i'm 9-12 with a 1150 elo or something


Something like that happened to me. I was 1381 early season 2, I'm first pick and I call "top talon" back when I used to main talon. I didn't like going mid Talon at that time, being inexperienced and whatnot. Anyone, my next 2 teammates instantly lock in Mordekaiser and Mundo, back when both of them were terrible. I 'm forced to go mid as Mundo "demands" top and Morde ends up bot. I suck it up and try my best mid.

I do "ok" in lane but didn't know that I should roam. After 20minutes of trying to make something out of this shitfest, I press tab and look at Mundo's cs top. He had 33 cs...I was meant to lose that game.

I then dropped to 1300 after a losing the next 7 games...I somehow got my way back to 1351 after embracing the holy 1337 elo..then lost, lost hard. Fell down all the way to 1191...That was when I started playing ranked with Hippybob. I got to 1300 and stopped. Then when season 2 was ending and I became I god with Rengar I rose to 1467 elo. The end.

Originally Posted by ChuckNinja View Post
Buying champions with rp is stupid imo, also, dont buy darius.

It's actually more efficient to buy champions with RP and use your IP to buy runes. This way you get stronger both in terms of champion diversity and early game strength. Its a win win.


Just played 5 ranked games...fucking worse last game. TF takes mid away from Lume, does nothing all game then feeds a Vi who I beat top. Then Vi snowballs. Oh well, won 4 in a row before losing. Lume and I best duo queue partners, but only when he adc. Was 1367 elo, now 1456...still unranked.

I miss Rengar.

Last edited by j4nd0; Jan 13, 2013 at 09:51 PM.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Whoever it was who was saying I shouldn't be playing ranked, I understand your point but I honestly think I'll only improve if I play ranked. Playing normal games, there's nothing achieved from it except your k/d. When I play ranked I find myself actually doing things to help the team etc, I feel I'll only get better if I play seriously and in ranked. Normal games don't really do it for me, all you get is a pretty match history and a few numbers added to your badges :c
Shinigami Chop!
Originally Posted by BladesOnToast View Post
Whoever it was who was saying I shouldn't be playing ranked, I understand your point but I honestly think I'll only improve if I play ranked. Playing normal games, there's nothing achieved from it except your k/d. When I play ranked I find myself actually doing things to help the team etc, I feel I'll only get better if I play seriously and in ranked. Normal games don't really do it for me, all you get is a pretty match history and a few numbers added to your badges :c

I played normal games for the longest time before going into ranked.
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