ill not be black at all
im following some texturesells to get a nice set :/
+ Nice light effects, shaders and stuff
+ Good replays

- Annoying freecam
- I don't like the music :|
- What the hell outro/credits is like, half of the video.

Well, the vid is not bad, just not bad, it's not the level of shitty videos I'd laugh after watching, saying 'fail fail fail', but it's nothing flashy that'd make me clap :C

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by Aikanaro View Post
thank you!

im thinkin about to request a set
i need a good-looking one, fitting to void
any art-pro bored here?


Also cool vid flXy :3
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
+ Nice light effects, shaders and stuff
+ Good replays

- Annoying freecam
- I don't like the music :|
- What the hell outro/credits is like, half of the video.

Well, the vid is not bad, just not bad, it's not the level of shitty videos I'd laugh after watching, saying 'fail fail fail', but it's nothing flashy that'd make me clap :C

Nah, seriously thanks for the critism. :V

Also thanks Thy.
Originally Posted by ThYphus View Post

Also cool vid flXy :3

sorry thyphus, when i have money again i request another set from you. atm im not pleased with what i have.

that video is awesome, fluxy. i trust you on a solo-vid for me, if you want to take the job sometime :3
Right down corner lacks something black to fill etc.

Interesting colors, but I can't even tell what did you do in this avvy, trololol.

It's quite nice, could've been a bit better.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos