Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Oh shit waddap, random alphanuv. Nice, tho isn't ormo a bit too inactive? xd

kinda but still...its ormo :v
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
that's like getting into an inactive and close to death clan
but still bragging its official

Ohhhh okay, so we can't brag about being official? wow thats sad. What are we official for then exactly? Just wondering.
man, you really don't understand the concept do you
you're just leaving out the inactive part

we could brag about it if we were active, but even if we did, the infamy of mau would fucking rise to isis tier because you supposed to be chill about it

let's say you join an official clan when it is active (thus harder on applicants), great!
now assume that clan was inactive or close to death (thus easier on applicants), not so great!
see my point? basically, as a clan, if you're inactive, you shouldn't be happy about it.
i was actually just joking on my last post cause i hadn't posted in a bit .-..... but...

Also, there's no way we can be known if don't try to get known. We need to smth big homie, let's go bang em. no i mean srsly we need to do something if you really wanna get dat fame in your pocket. ffs i've played alot of gta recently.
And why we shouldnt? Almost 80% of the clan members have history here,everything comes to death someday.
As we,the clan have around 2 years. We should be happy of having friends and loyalty to the clan.
Everyone gets tired of something,aways.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
You want to? Go ahead, I'm not stopping you from your narcissistic indulgences
I never said anything about not being able to do it when the clan is active and going, I say it in accession to being inactive. You don't see members of almost dead clans going around "hey im in this clan worship me".

"Be happy of having friends and loyalty" Never said that was the case.
If you're inactive, you shouldn't be happy about it (being inactive)

"Everything comes to death one day"
Yeah it does, you know what saves it? Modern medicine. That is, activity, if we take it to the context of clans.