How do you guys feel about Techies finally being released?

I feel that I won't be playing All Pick for a while, because Techies are either really pro and win the entire game, or buy a Midas, max suicide and lose the game (We've seen that happen before).

Also, Nyx is gonna be a god.
Gem+Spike Carapace=Win
welcome techies.
time to uninstall doto.

the memories of old techies games still hurt my feels.
nothing worse than a good techies when youve lost all your gems and you're waiting for a restock or dont have money for sents, shit hurts.
"is it safe to walk here? i dunno lets take the long wa- *BOOM*"

although, nothing worse than a techies that has no levels and opponents have sents for days and gems and and and
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
welcome techies.
time to uninstall doto.

the memories of old techies games still hurt my feels.
nothing worse than a good techies when youve lost all your gems and you're waiting for a restock or dont have money for sents, shit hurts.
"is it safe to walk here? i dunno lets take the long wa- *BOOM*"

although, nothing worse than a techies that has no levels and opponents have sents for days and gems and and and

f=m*a syens
Techies is a good hero if you are winning, but a bad hero if you are losing. I don't see him being that useful, but he is a cool hero because he forces your opponent to do certain things.

This will screw with the meta.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Techies is a good hero if you are winning, but a bad hero if you are losing. I don't see him being that useful, but he is a cool hero because he forces your opponent to do certain things.

This will screw with the meta.

Tinker Techies turtle strat is real. 90min game here i come
Sentry + shallow grave + blademail

Anyways, just played 1 game with a techies on my team, he was reaally good, enjoyable match.
From certain perspective, it's kind of fun.
Originally Posted by Tinerr View Post
Sentry + shallow grave + blademail

Anyways, just played 1 game with a techies on my team, he was reaally good, enjoyable match.
From certain perspective, it's kind of fun.

I played techies for a bit. At first I played the lane closest to jungle, because I thought I had more opportunity to place mines there. Haven't had any terrible games yet, but it is definitely showing that techies just... isn't THAT useful, I'd say that techies definitely give a certain 'disadvantage' to your team. I find that especially experience is a problem for me: you need to choose between either going mining, or staying in lane to get that welcome exp. The problem is that techies don't have any very useful skills in lane compared to other laners. CC especially is a problem: slowed techies versus ranged hero = ded

Then I started playing mid and had a couple awesome games. Especially as radiant: that little step that leads from dire plateau to top rune is a gr8 mining spot m8, also the area around roshan and dire ancients is very good. Also the stairs around the top rune.

I think that radiant techies have an advantage.
f=m*a syens
You could play techies as more of a support, use your time pulling, stacking and mining, kind of similar to the way you might play a support CM or batrider. If you have solo lane you can play more like bh, leaving lane and hiding while mining.

Also if you are against a ranged hero I would start mining near an escape route, that way if you get low just run through the mines to safety.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff