Hi, my name is albert i live in Sweden and is 11 years.
I would like to join this clan because I believe that this clan is very good, I've read a little about you, and I would like to help in the clan wars and donate tc to the bank.
My belt is brown.
I like to bet on toribash.
My favoritmod is aikidobigdojo.tbm but I also like teayykon (spelling)

Funny to know

Why I chose the name Blue hunter?
In my school, in a book, it was a hunter in the book, I like the color blue so therefore I thought blue hunter, my friend had given me about toribash so I wondered what name I would choose.

Hm ... lets see now.
Go away.
Toribash TakeOVER
<Colossus> ROFL
<Colossus> my friend got hit by a car
<Colossus> gonna go visit him. brb

[22:45:46] <Thorn> I know she likes it in the ear
[22:45:53] <Thorn> because when I put it to her mouth she turns away
Just wanted to feel like david when I say:
Bacon is the answer to all problems.
[Tint] | MMO | RSO | Maker of teh textures.
Hello, ladies and gentlemen

My name is Kubfacoh (being called Kub for whatever reason), while my real name is Kubilay.
Acting mature and polite is something which I 'kinda' admire and by the time I noticed how nice and polite the [Rvng] clan is.
Especially Flipers seems to be really honest and kind, what I noticed in the past few weeks.
Also he told me that I'm doing really fine in Aikidobd. (Current rank around 750)

I joined around April 2011 and have been very active since that time, playing many tournaments and learning how to play this game.
Joining this clan was suggested to me by Flipers.

So.. I'm 17 years old right now, turning 18 soon.
I spend much time on the computer, when I have free time (which seems to be the case very often these days)
Right now, I'm giving my best to rise under the Toribash players and bring it to something big.
My current belt is the black belt but I'm working on it.
Including that I never have been banned before from Toribash, I can tell from myself that I'm trustworth and I promise, that I'll be active on the board as much as I'm able to.

I would totally appreciate it if you let me join your clan, because I really admire the members and the clan itself.
What the hell is a signature?
This is a mainly forum clan.. so a big part of your chance to get in is your posts, which you are lacking. So... im ok with whatever the clan desides.
right on
Tbh with such a low post count he made a fucking top notch app... O_O Are you an alt of some kind? I mean just curious cause for those with no posts untill that thats fucking like WTF!
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Also, I say yes to this guy. Improve dem post count you alt.
Bacon is the answer to all problems.
[Tint] | MMO | RSO | Maker of teh textures.