%just made 170k from items I payed 30k, biggest profit ever %
467% clear profit
wishful eyes deceive me
lol defenitely achievement worthy ghehe
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
yeah..we were really active these days:d
btw most important things are:"wanting to join" made by dr0pk1ck;"My case" made by Krucio";"war is postponed" made by me(just for see the results of the cw vs urban)
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Originally Posted by QC3 View Post
Nice job missuse
I'm so proud :')


Originally Posted by McBurger View Post
So what does this vip thing actually do?

how to buy - 7usd for 6 months - or 140k to Crux - 100% safe u don't even give u're passwd, u can buy prime, Qi, Qi boosters and proly tc boosters (not sure bout them tho) - at the rate of 20k = 1 usd (ye it expensive but 100% safe - some kind of tc sink for the rich)

What u get: avys up to 150x150 size and post background - any pic as u're post background, still experimenting on mine. And more syg space (not that anyone needs more)
wishful eyes deceive me
lol now is a little exaggerated Miss=P
nice make me think to Clockwork Orange
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