Lars: you cannot control Grammar, its partial to whoever is using it.
Brubert lay of the furfag nonsense, Lars himself is not arguing against my point so its safe to say you have lost that issue, also you cannot remove the original meaning from a word (if you write or say greenbannana it doesnt chaange the fact that your using the word bannana in some form of reference) and if you want to continue to argue it then I or Rhyz could say that the use of the word retard was not used in its original context, much in the same way you are using fag and nazi, and therefore, by the same token it is not offensive to any one.

you both seemed to have missed the point, I thought I had made perfectly clear: I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT GRAMMAR. I was mearly pointing out that if you are going to correct people on their Grammar, make sure you use it properly aswell.

Clearly you folks think you are some sort of web god, canny intelectuals. but dont fool yourselves the arguments you put foward are neither clever nor witty, and in the real world they would fail exceptionaly hard.
Originally Posted by Helucinate View Post
Lars: you cannot control Grammar, its partial to whoever is using it.
Brubert lay of the furfag nonsense, Lars himself is not arguing against my point so its safe to say you have lost that issue, also you cannot remove the original meaning from a word (if you write or say greenbannana it doesnt chaange the fact that your using the word bannana in some form of reference) and if you want to continue to argue it then I or Rhyz could say that the use of the word retard was not used in its original context, much in the same way you are using fag and nazi, and therefore, by the same token it is not offensive to any one.

you both seemed to have missed the point, I thought I had made perfectly clear: I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT GRAMMAR. I was mearly pointing out that if you are going to correct people on their Grammar, make sure you use it properly aswell.

Clearly you folks think you are some sort of web god, canny intelectuals. but dont fool yourselves the arguments you put foward are neither clever nor witty, and in the real world they would fail exceptionaly hard.

Did I ever say I wanted to control it? I am fuckin' dedicated to it, and the word "grammar" is only capital G when used FIRST in a sentence.
Your spelling is also very, very faulty.

See, this is why we can't have any fuckin' nice things, at all.
Last edited by crazylars; Jan 4, 2011 at 09:27 AM.
Originally Posted by rhyz View Post
Lol, how old are you Crazylars?

Yeah Lars, How old? I have been wondering that my self.
But Virtue~ D:
I still do not approve of the applicants use of "retard".
So it's a no from me.
Last edited by crazylars; Jan 4, 2011 at 03:06 PM.