Originally Posted by tricerafi View Post
soalnya terlalu banyak rumor yang simpang siur tentang lu sih...

rumor apa? gua jarang maen TB gara gara sibuk maen LS sorry hehe
Originally Posted by tricerafi View Post
gak dulu maksud gw

kirain baru baru ini :>
Setelah saya kembali, semua orang pun ikut kembali.
I feel famous. :3

Originally Posted by Sage View Post
that, or that is sicks' internet personality.

There is no reason for me to hide my true self, except if you are just too pathetic too admit your existence, you are what you are, not what people think of you.
Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
Setelah saya kembali, semua orang pun ikut kembali.
I feel famous. :3

There is no reason for me to hide my true self, except if you are just too pathetic too admit your existence, you are what you are, not what people think of you.

lah memang scks "terkenal" kan ? :3
btw sicks aku rindu saat ssaat sicks online IRC dulu
sekarang #indonesianorg sepi mungkin ya belom check lagi
(o )
Originally Posted by oranganeh View Post
kirain baru baru ini :>

hi-hi udh lama ga main, tpi ga pensi kan?

Click me

Originally Posted by oranganeh View Post
kirain baru baru ini :>

hi, long time.
Originally Posted by voicelence View Post
lah memang scks "terkenal" kan ? :3
btw sicks aku rindu saat ssaat sicks online IRC dulu
sekarang #indonesianorg sepi mungkin ya belom check lagi

belakangan ini biasanya kosong.
tapi kadang2 ada jokar ato enma dateng
Like a lie
Originally Posted by Svern View Post
Udah lama gak buka forum ini, huh. Do you guys still remember me?

Oh ya, ternyata udah ada Yosua sama Gibran. Walaupun telat, welcome.

thanks man. And are you an old member? Sorry, i don't know.

and, where's the link of our IRC? do we have one?
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