Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by BladesOnToast View Post
So uh, can somebody walk me through the whole elo thing?

I know that's bad, put it that way. So that's saying my elo is 1051, right? 1:5 is a terrible ratio, I'm giving ranked a break until I hit 400 normal wins. I just won my first ranked game as ahri, 2/0/7. Although it's not a good score or anything, it's better than 0/2. I dominated mid tonnes which is surprising because I thought akali was an ahri counter.
But yeah, I don't really understand how elo is calculated, how the bronze/silver/gold/plat/diamond works with it too..
Also, what's the number above the badge? Mines 0, but I've seen people with like 1300 and stuff

What. The. Fuck. Thats a first one, never saw anything like this...

Originally Posted by BladesOnToast View Post
So uh, can somebody walk me through the whole elo thing?

I know that's bad, put it that way. So that's saying my elo is 1051, right? 1:5 is a terrible ratio, I'm giving ranked a break until I hit 400 normal wins. I just won my first ranked game as ahri, 2/0/7. Although it's not a good score or anything, it's better than 0/2. I dominated mid tonnes which is surprising because I thought akali was an ahri counter.
But yeah, I don't really understand how elo is calculated, how the bronze/silver/gold/plat/diamond works with it too..
Also, what's the number above the badge? Mines 0, but I've seen people with like 1300 and stuff

You have to play 10 ranked games, then it will show your elo (max rating)
Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post

League of Legends University

I lost it at Orianna...

Fiddlesticks is the University Scarecrow. I no me gusta.
Oh my elo comes up properly now. Not sure why it gave me the rating at the bottom to begin with :s
My rating is going down, I shouldn't have played at 8am in the morning without sleep. Went 1/5 with nidalee, how horrible haha.
I'm going 3:8 now, meh.
Shinigami Chop!
You were what... Level 10 when I first hit 30? I still haven't done ranked yet, it is best to just wait.
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
You suck, Stellar.

Also add Severe, I might laterish with ya' if you want.
in the name of the manly balthier send me your orc/chronos/gladiator items
Ok, so I played on my smurf because my main got banned temporarily. My sejuani went 0/7 and fed this malphite on the enemy team. Instead of being a dick, I said "you're obviously new to this game, so you're doing fine", and then I reccomended builds, and she was a pretty nice, but terrible player. Anyway, i'd still stun under turret, etc, and kill the fed malphite. In the end of the game, malph was like "lol this renek worst person on enemy team hurr so pro", then i'd kill him, but die in a 1v3, and he'd say "lol pro renek die haha so bad", except I killed him. Gahhhhd, smurfs make me want to rip my teeth out, the people think they are amazingly good, have toxic personalities, and somehow win on the enemy team.
Originally Posted by sham View Post
Ok, so I played on my smurf because my main got banned temporarily. My sejuani went 0/7 and fed this malphite on the enemy team. Instead of being a dick, I said "you're obviously new to this game, so you're doing fine", and then I reccomended builds, and she was a pretty nice, but terrible player. Anyway, i'd still stun under turret, etc, and kill the fed malphite. In the end of the game, malph was like "lol this renek worst person on enemy team hurr so pro", then i'd kill him, but die in a 1v3, and he'd say "lol pro renek die haha so bad", except I killed him. Gahhhhd, smurfs make me want to rip my teeth out, the people think they are amazingly good, have toxic personalities, and somehow win on the enemy team.

He was obviously fucking with you. Maybe just clam down.
I get banned a lot because my laptop is temperamental and can overheat/crash at any given moment, so I'm currently levelling up my smurf. I try my best not to be an arse but playing with some of these people is frustrating beyond belief. I'm not a great player but I play at a level where the people I am matched with will generally know when they/I make mistakes, and no issues are made of it when they happen. However, the people I am paired with on the smurf apparently never make mistakes and will rage-feed if you suggest otherwise. I find that very few of my games are enjoyable, especially given that nobody seems to respect pick order etiquette.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg