Originally Posted by clipsall View Post
I suppose I am, old, enough to Vote?

I believe you are.
Check with Link to make sure.
Originally Posted by Vendoor View Post
Am I not active enough to make some servers? :L

You're not old enough in the clan to vote on applications.
You can make servers whenever you want.
Originally Posted by Vendoor View Post
Sure, just gimme server name

Sorry mate, I went to /join dbets when you were there, you logged off when i came or something D:

Mhm, getting hold of Linky's not that easy thoe :P well w/e
I just changed server, clipsall :P

Though, i'll hit up a server soon, /jo ext

Apathetic User
fgt D:
I often say things like that, but ignore it
Lifes unexpected, you wont know what happen ;c

THough, won a tourney just now.
I'll donate the 2nd Prize: Helios blood to the shop we'll make.
All other donations are accepted c;

1 hour for a helios tourney sounds quite, dfibsjfsd tho.
Why is it that you guys keep saying I'm hard to get a hold of?
I'm easy I'm sitting in a server
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Originally Posted by Vendoor View Post
k :3 gratz, did my '' gl '' give you luck? >:O

who was 1st?

Ofc it gave me luck :c
Ishee iShi was first, though he gave the prize to the "3rd" one to knockout.
Also one the Decap prize x3

Originally Posted by linkhunter View Post
Why is it that you guys keep saying I'm hard to get a hold of?
I'm easy I'm sitting in a server

Because you are D:, or atleast, were. P;
I suppose you are not online? I just came back from tutor and now you are gone :c

Vend, Kammy you here? D: