Originally Posted by Devil View Post
Lume, if you don't mind adding me, my summoner name in NA is The Devil Behind

Also, I am gonna need some good peeps for ranked duo when I am 30, my other acc got ruined :<

To be honest, there's no point of making a new account just to play ranked again. It's gonna be the same, even when you have a duo partner. You're gonna maybe get to 1300, and fall again. Unless you're extremely good, and confident of being able to maintain a 1500+ elo, which most people think they are good enough, but really aren't.
Originally Posted by sham View Post
To be honest, there's no point of making a new account just to play ranked again. It's gonna be the same, even when you have a duo partner. You're gonna maybe get to 1300, and fall again. Unless you're extremely good, and confident of being able to maintain a 1500+ elo, which most people think they are good enough, but really aren't.

You don't even need to be able to think to get 1500
Originally Posted by Devil View Post
So apparently gp= epic tanky bruiser

Where have you been?

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

What runes would you personally recommend as kha'zix jungle? I've been trying it out but having problems because of his nerf and the new jungle.. I have enough IP to purchase any 3 quints. What I've got so far is +13 armor yellows, +12 MRes blues, Can't decide between +15% attack speed reds or +8.5 AD reds.. Also with the quints I'm not sure what I should get, I've got 10% attack speed with my quints at the moment, but I think damage or armor or armor pen would be better. Any ideas on which quints and reds I should go with? New jungle absolutely rapes my kha'zix, I only just survive my first blue camp with 1 or 2 bars of health. With help I can go really well, but I'm far too slow when my teammates refuse to help.

Shinigami Chop!
Originally Posted by BladesOnToast View Post
What runes would you personally recommend as kha'zix jungle? I've been trying it out but having problems because of his nerf and the new jungle.. I have enough IP to purchase any 3 quints. What I've got so far is +13 armor yellows, +12 MRes blues, Can't decide between +15% attack speed reds or +8.5 AD reds.. Also with the quints I'm not sure what I should get, I've got 10% attack speed with my quints at the moment, but I think damage or armor or armor pen would be better. Any ideas on which quints and reds I should go with? New jungle absolutely rapes my kha'zix, I only just survive my first blue camp with 1 or 2 bars of health. With help I can go really well, but I'm far too slow when my teammates refuse to help.


Khazix jungle is hardly viable. His high cooldowns and high mana costs make it impossible to clear camps efficiently, and he is a much better top/mid as an ad caster. If you still would like to play him jungle, i'd get ad quints and attack speed marks, or vice versa.
sham when are we going to play again :<

also carried a team with fiddlesticks in 3v3
drain + Will of the Ancients + Barrier = lolfuckyoudarius
went 12/4, even though my game crashed and I came in 3 minutes late
and Fiora disconnected twice during the game
Originally Posted by sham View Post
Khazix jungle is hardly viable. His high cooldowns and high mana costs make it impossible to clear camps efficiently, and he is a much better top/mid as an ad caster. If you still would like to play him jungle, i'd get ad quints and attack speed marks, or vice versa.

The only reason Kha'zix is bad in the jungle is because is highly blue dependent. Other than that, if you have a mana-less champion mid, he can be quite effective in the jungle.

Originally Posted by BladesOnToast View Post
What runes would you personally recommend as kha'zix jungle? I've been trying it out but having problems because of his nerf and the new jungle.. I have enough IP to purchase any 3 quints. What I've got so far is +13 armor yellows, +12 MRes blues, Can't decide between +15% attack speed reds or +8.5 AD reds.. Also with the quints I'm not sure what I should get, I've got 10% attack speed with my quints at the moment, but I think damage or armor or armor pen would be better. Any ideas on which quints and reds I should go with? New jungle absolutely rapes my kha'zix, I only just survive my first blue camp with 1 or 2 bars of health. With help I can go really well, but I'm far too slow when my teammates refuse to help.


Best runes to run on Jungle Kha'Zix are:

- Flat AD Reds
- Flat Armor yellows
- Flat AD Quints
- Choice Blues (they can be anything you want)

Early skill path would be QWWE or QWEW depending if you want to early gank or not. Jungle path should be something like this:

Wolves > Blue (Level 2) > Wraiths > Wolves (level 3) > Red > Wraiths (level 4) > Gank/b > Gank

You should Max W first for the utility it provides and level 6, you have to decide if you want to evolve your jump or W. Evolving jump will increase its range and make jumping and escaping really easy, however you will have to rely on your autoattack range in order to slow them. Evolving W will give you a huge AoE nuke slow that will make farming and slowing enemies incredibly easy.

Level 11 you will evolve W or E, the one you didn't evolve at 6. And at 16 you can decide if you want better teamfights or more damage with evolving Q or R. Skill build will look like this:


Then: Max R, W, E, Q

A standard build path:

Machete + x5 pots > Spirit Stone + boots > Vampiric Scepter > Brutiliser > BC > BT > GA > LW > optional.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
The only reason Kha'zix is bad in the jungle is because is highly blue dependent. Other than that, if you have a mana-less champion mid, he can be quite effective in the jungle.

. . . aaaand when the blue runs out he is useless again. Really though, kha zix without blue is terrible. Even if he gets it every 5 minutes, he's still going to fall behind on his ganks, and his clears. There's no reason to play him in the jungle when he is outclassed by dozens of other junglers, especially considering that your mid probably will need blue