very nice booms 7.5/10 should have made the first boom one frame would have made it 8/10

k i remade my old replay its all in the hands (nao A beautiful chaos)

dont like to repost so i made another replay for it

enjoy ^^
Attached Files
Made4You - A beautiful chaos.rpl (280.8 KB, 27 views)
Made4You - A day in the life.rpl (195.3 KB, 20 views)

:D click it and make me happy :D
oh wow insane stuff.9.5 for a beautiful chaos because of the kinda stiff stance at the start but the booming was excellent.
and a day in the life 9.
Attached Files
Pat-Strolling in a park.rpl (101.9 KB, 22 views)
very clean fluidic replay 8/10 nice boom try to get one frame booms i have no problem with them or maybe i just put myself into a good position all the time :P

anyway i love War_Hero. . . .'s replay #Fuck (lulz) and i wanted to copy it and make it a crotch hit (boom obviusly) so i did i made another boom with it . . just watch it

ill post the original war's replay is gonna get more views than mine i bet xD
Attached Files
#fuck.rpl (52.1 KB, 33 views)

:D click it and make me happy :D
I actually preferred your version. Crotchblock booms are much harder to get than torso booms - 9/10.
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Zealot.rpl (133.6 KB, 21 views)
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
haha you preferred me over war_hero :P but mine did boom twice. I think that crotchblock booming is easier though 0.0 anyway nice replay man very fluidic

little tip to being fluidic if you want something to contract like the knee in your first kick for like 4 frame contract it then relax it works for meh

i know that the fastest nograb decap is 12 frames . . so i took it up a knotch!

gay ass replay so i wanna show my hold all skillz. enjoy

edit: its actually 11 frames . . . i even did it
Attached Files
12 frame no grab double DM!.rpl (27.5 KB, 25 views)
Last edited by made4you; Apr 2, 2010 at 03:49 AM. Reason: update

:D click it and make me happy :D
sorry, i dont like this kind of records. its fast, i guess :/
second one is an example of what i really hate in replays: if there is a boom but no style at all. its stiff and the pose is lame. ill not rate it, it might not be fair
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That was enjoyable, loved how you stayed on your hands for the end part. It was also very fluidic.

I'm not finished with this one, i should probably add a skeet or something, but this is what i have so far.
Attached Files
#Re- Exhibition.rpl (112.2 KB, 22 views)
bring back wibbles
I love the first kick it's like Ukes thinking "holy crap did my arms just come off" and he stands there while you go for the 2nd kick :P running could use some work though.
Spin decap inspired by Mosier. <3 <3 <3
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its kinda plain. would abeen cooler if you did some more dms

thanks to tamer0 for helping me with the skeetcap
Attached Files
ShiftV3- bO-Obies.rpl (257.7 KB, 16 views)
Last edited by ShiftV3; Apr 3, 2010 at 01:03 PM.