Originally Posted by Chintu View Post
i lost it at some points of the app xD
cute app though

My english very bad Sorry
Originally Posted by rcrichman View Post
He means that this is his main and his other account is inactive or banned.

Thanks for translate;)
Can i join?
i canceled my app sorry
Last edited by NOTITLE; Dec 13, 2016 at 06:46 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hi Evil memebers. My name is Luis Sainz. I´m 24 years old. And I want to be an Evil member.This is my application:

I picked Evil because one of the memebers told me that I could Apply of this clan. Evil has something that makes it different, I´ve seen it. Something that makes you different is the way your memebers fight, they are not as killers like other persons. You guys have a discipline.

I think that I could be a good addition because I am a good player (you can ask chintu). I am very active in toribash. I will like to be part of wars or leagues. I can play toribash all day. Being honest, from the evil clan, I only now chintu... But we are not really friends.

I´ve never been banned before, because I´ve never been in a clan. I have one alt,it´s brown belt I believe, but I don´t use it. The name is LuisXDLOL
Being honest I only now chintu... But we are not really friends.

I have a special skill on toribash, my skill is blocking, I know a move to block attacks in almost every mod. I´m also stylish when I´m playing.
sorry, I repeated something in my app
Last edited by azunoXX; Dec 20, 2016 at 09:51 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
You seem like an in-game player since you have very low posts. I don't know if you are an alt or not, haven't seen you play in-game either, neutral for now.
azunoXX your application has been denied.
We are certain that we wont be the clan you are looking for.
We are so ingame inactive that you probably wont have the chance to participate in wars and leagues as you want to.
evil Führer of Evil
[Evil] Application
Why Did I Choose Evil?
I chose evil because i know/have hung out with a few members in Evil. I think i have spoken to goat before, zwift is a chill friend of mine, rcrichman is a good friend as well, ryder and i have talked here and there, chintu and i have spoken to each other before the clan went inactive a bit as it is now, oaky and i play tk together sometimes, and i may know a few others, i'll mention them later in my application if i remember. I talked to rcrichman about applying to evil before making this and he told me that evil is more of a family than a 'clan' which is one thing i particularly like about you guys, rather than being a lame ol' clan your a family, a group of friends. Honestly the biggest part I chose evil more than any other clan is because you guys are in fact different from most, at least in my opinion you are, in a variety of ways such as i said before your more of a family than you are a clan. I was told you guys play other games together and things, and i play more games than toribash, im pretty sure everyone does am i right? So i believe i can fit in well if i get accepted into the family even as trial i'll be happy with my position, as it isn't about the tag, it isn't about the power, it's about the people and the friends, and yeah i don't know to many members but i will be glad to meet other people in the clan and get to know people better and things.
What i believe i can add.
I believe i can add a loyal, hard working, active, friendly, slightly funny, but surely random family member to your community/clan. I know that you guys aren't active much ingame anymore, and yes i did take this into account before applying, and yes, i still want to join, i feel like i would be a good addition to the clan, i'll be glad to meet other members, hang out, play games with everyone, maybe help host events (if that's what you guys do anymore lol) and many more things. I have Ps4, and Steam so i can deffinately play with you guys if you have those things. I also have discord and skype to keep in contact. I know you guys are kind of strict when it comes to recruitment, and honestly, i dont blame you, you dont want randoms in your family lol.
What are you active in?
Both ingame and forums honestly. Nothing else to say here.
Will you take part in wars.
Well i'm not much of a war/league person but if i am needed i will do as i must and follow orders. I will do it if i have to and i will do it if its just for fun sometimes, but for the most part, i am unsure as i once again am not much of a war person. I don't play competitively.
Do you have any alts?
1. lkxz, but i dont use it, it's basically a dead account, the 'clan' it's in is dead, it was abandoned, so yeah, the account is 100% dead.
Which family members do i know?
Chintu, rcrichman, oaky, zwift, goat (i think), ryder24, Zorow, and ive talked to skizzify.
Clan History
Crooks (me, typhon, and ksuu left as the feel wasnt the same), i am (was harrassed), vibe (died), vector (didnt fit me as im not a replay maker), wapow (quit tb for a while) and a few more (just dm me if you want to know more).
Any Skills
I am a toribash "site dev", i am currently working on/planning my own gaming forum (dont really have anything to show yet as nothing is setup), im a graphics artist, heres a lil album on imgur of some things i made and that's about it.
I am Evil.
Last edited by hanna; Dec 27, 2016 at 11:41 AM.