Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Faint View Post
Starting to hate this game.

On a regular losing streak as well as a ranked losing streak. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, I haven't fed any of my lanes nor been uncooperative with my teams. Why do I constantly get retarded players as teammates? I hate this elo hell I'm in, and I really would like to get out of it.

Make a new account.

I have 1067 elo with 25 win and 25 losses and someone else has 1300 with the same stats, elo system is bs.
Originally Posted by Hush View Post
Do people really give you mid lane if you ask? I mean when I play unranked 5v5 games and ask I always tell them I'm going to suck ass if I'm not mid, but not on purpose... Problem is I've heard people autolock mid all the time, which would fuck me over. I see myself as an above-average mid but I'm below average everything else (unless someone teaches me the jungle routes and such, since I'm good with fiddlesticks)

Learn to play all lanes, mid is not the only lane out there. Play with bots or something if you suck that much on other lanes.
Last edited by Devil; Jan 2, 2013 at 11:00 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Me Spacey and Hippybob just carried a 4v5.
Jungle Diana still stronk, yo.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Originally Posted by Devil View Post
Make a new account.

I have 1067 elo with 25 win and 25 losses and someone else has 1300 with the same stats, elo system is bs.

your s3 ELO is based of s2 elo..... he could have had higher s2 elo. Also, placement matches.
I'm a fucking professional!
Originally Posted by Devil View Post
Make a new account.

I have 1067 elo with 25 win and 25 losses and someone else has 1300 with the same stats, elo system is bs.

Originally Posted by laststand View Post
your s3 ELO is based of s2 elo..... he could have had higher s2 elo. Also, placement matches.

you could also try to stop playing bad.

Originally Posted by Ed View Post
At his elo, yes; at mine, sometimes/no; and normals, defiantly not.

your normal elo sucks dick.
Last edited by Hippybob; Jan 2, 2013 at 12:29 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Uric View Post
Me Spacey and Hippybob just carried a 4v5.
Jungle Diana still stronk, yo.

you wanna know why you won?

cause their fiora built new tiamat item first like a dipshit. its not good on her early D:<!!! also, how is spacey? i don't even see him anymore D:
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
Ummm nice elo.

I have dominated lanes in all ranked games. Pretty much my team was feeding. Winning in ranked games is actually luck based. Pretty much there are clowns who always play offensive and feeds. They end up being 15 level while my opponents are 18 level including me. It is the same as Toribash except you are 1 vs 1. Belt doesn't matter in this game. Neither elo.

Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
Rengar loses to every single top laner now, Riot turned his amazing top lane into something that even Nasus or Poppy can beat him in lane. Rengar is now dependent on snowballing if he wants a chance to have any impact on the rest of the game.

He has the worst kinda of burst rotation, which is x2 enhanced auto attack which is limited to a 125 range and heavily affected by how fast the enemy and you can move.

His W, which was he main skill is now useless when maxing, it doesn't give him the damage nor the survivability any more which was required to farm, harass and sustain top lane.

Bola needs to be on a shorter cooldown as Rengar has to rely on a long cooldown, low damaging skill to safely farm when behind. Its empowered version is rarely used in top lane and even then is lackluster compared to empowered Q and W.

Rengar's ult got ruined, put through a grinder then put back together then was placed into a wood chipper. It used to be a 7-second instant stealth movespeed steroid used for escaping, chasing and initiating. Now it has sub-par chasing, barely gets you out of a gank and is only really good for initiating.

Rengar is outclassed if you want an;
-Top-lane bully: Olaf, Darius, Lee Sin, Renekton and Yorick
-Assassin top lane: Kha'zix, Akali, Zed
-Top-lane tank: Malphite, Cho'gath, Volibear, Singed
-Anti-AD carry: Irelia and Olaf
-Top-lane carry: Jax, Fiora, Wukong
-Better team fight: Wukong, Malphite, Kennen, Darius, Olaf, Shen


Riot has made him a jack of no trades, who is too poor to invest into any role. He is desperate for buffs.


Don't blame the champion. Blame people who keep loosing with him. It is not about champions who are better. You can only blame yourself for loosing the lane. If you haven't noticed there are always champions who are stronger and who are weaker. Also Syndra was never weak. She has the highest burst in the game but people just suck playing her. Take the blame on yourself not the champion.
Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
I have dominated lanes in all ranked games. Pretty much my team was feeding. Winning in ranked games is actually luck based. Pretty much there are clowns who always play offensive and feeds. They end up being 15 level while my opponents are 18 level including me.

you are in the stage of : Denial

You seem to completely deny that it is ever your fault that you lost, that you never make mistakes. which is obviously wrong, because if it weren't you would be like 2k elo by now. Imma use myself as an example here. I ended s2 at 1215 with top rating of 1275. I liked to blame others for my losses and it ended up not giving me anything. Then i realized i should focus more on what I'M doing instead of others and in s3 i have top elo of 1438 and current elo of 1340 ish. ( too lazy to check) Focus on yourself and try to carry games. it helps more than you think
I'm a fucking professional!
So I've noticed that runes are now getting in the way of my laning results, I don't have much runes (at least not enough to actually have do anything in-game).

I'm thinking going the old-fashioned AP page and AD page (MR and armor respectively as well).
Any help?
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

i have olf fashioned rune pages..

ad marks
arm yellows
mr/lvl blues
ad quints

arm.pen marks
arm yellows
mr/lvl blues
ad quints

i don't need anything more for the champs i play

(change ad with ap and arm. pen with magic pen.)
I'm a fucking professional!
Originally Posted by laststand View Post
i have olf fashioned rune pages..

ad marks
arm yellows
mr/lvl blues
ad quints

arm.pen marks
arm yellows
mr/lvl blues
ad quints

i don't need anything more for the champs i play

(change ad with ap and arm. pen with magic pen.)

Ya I have those rune pages too..
Thinking about saving up for another one for jungling.

Anything know anything about the next new champ coming out?