Originally Posted by Nyann View Post
Ethereal members are normally on at around 22:00GMT - 02:00 GMT(From my experince). That is just over 3 hours from now.

Oh my god this is ridiculously accurate. ; -;
Originally Posted by Avengd7x View Post
Dude my entire family (except grandpa) still treat me like a kid and ground me at age 19. I'm actually already over it. So fuck em

It's a parent thing. It's going to be the same shit when you graduate and move out.
If you fuck up out there you end up losing your house. That's as close as they can get to that.
Originally Posted by Abdy View Post

Originally Posted by D3m0nz View Post
*best shit I've heard in a while*

Oh my god I love you.
Originally Posted by MrBoXMan View Post
Ok, Guys we all know what we should enforce and
what we should be lenient about.
So chill out, the "2nd Dan" rule is one we have to enforce I agree with that,
but no need to spam the thread with, why we should/shouldn't enforce it.
I honestly think it's bullshit, but at the same time D3 has a point.

Apparently we don't.
2nd dan rule is bull shit.
I could go buy myself into a custom belt and act like I've microwaved my ass with the bullshit cartoons that on tv nowadays but, since I was over the 2nd dan minimum I'd be in.
Since the clan war system is down having a minimum belt is redundant.

Seriously guys. Feels like I have to write a novel to explain what should be common sense.
Originally Posted by Isolations View Post
2nd dan rule is bull shit.
I could go buy myself into a custom belt and act like I've microwaved my ass with the bullshit cartoons that on tv nowadays but, since I was over the 2nd dan minimum I'd be in.
Since the clan war system is down having a minimum belt is redundant.

Seriously guys. Feels like I have to write a novel to explain what should be common sense.

You act is if that is all We judge by, but it's not. There's a lot of things that go into a decision, not only "OMGZ 2 DAN INVITE NAO!!!onneon!!". It's left a majority vote for a reason, I'm not all-knowing, Ave isn't all-knowing, Nyann isn't all-knowing. People get in because they either make a good impression on us at first, or a have written up a great application.

Sure, there are the occasional bad-eggs that get in, but they aren't going to destroy us. Let us decide what to do about it. We appriciate all the opinions but, If we've handled it for this long, I'm sure we can do it for longer in the future.

That being said: There are going to be things that will stricter in the coming days. I've already sent out inactive warnings to most of the members that deserve them. I've sent out spam warnings to people who need them, and I'm going to edit the initial application once again.

One thing I DO need from the other leaders is to stop inviting people who don't make applications. I know it's probably Ave, but still. Who reinvited Demonburn?
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Yea I did. Me and him had a talk and stuff so let him in lol. I just woke up and I already see a fight. Told you to kick kitty but then again. Who listens to me
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
Originally Posted by Avengd7x View Post
Yea I did. Me and him had a talk and stuff so let him in lol. I just woke up and I already see a fight. Told you to kick kitty but then again. Who listens to me

I did, before his ban. But nooooo, I listened but someone reinvited him.
Just got back from school. Wrote that looong post in math class, Some guy started making racist jokes and the teacher got pissed.

Originally Posted by Isolations View Post
Apparently we don't.
2nd dan rule is bull shit.
I could go buy myself into a custom belt and act like I've microwaved my ass with the bullshit cartoons that on tv nowadays but, since I was over the 2nd dan minimum I'd be in.
Since the clan war system is down having a minimum belt is redundant.

Seriously guys. Feels like I have to write a novel to explain what should be common sense.

That was a example, Other rules like 2 sentence min, and stuff, any rule has to be enforced. When 1 rule out of 100 isn't enforced. Gradually all rules aren't enforced leading to corruption. In Ethr Nyann has been holding it together.
Last edited by Abdy; Dec 15, 2012 at 12:49 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I mustn't have been here for a while or something. Abdy, you aren't in Ethereal anymore? . I do agree with Isolations however, there shouldn't be a minimum belt, just minimum skill if you want to be strict about it. If you see a blue belt in a betting server with the clan tag Ethr on them and they get a huge streak or something like that, it will reflect well on the clan. But if you want to be all like we are unworthy of people below 2nd dan and stuff like that, it will be the clan's loss.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Originally Posted by cozzakilll View Post
I mustn't have been here for a while or something. Abdy, you aren't in Ethereal anymore? . I do agree with Isolations however, there shouldn't be a minimum belt, just minimum skill if you want to be strict about it. If you see a blue belt in a betting server with the clan tag Ethr on them and they get a huge streak or something like that, it will reflect well on the clan. But if you want to be all like we are unworthy of people below 2nd dan and stuff like that, it will be the clan's loss.

I didn't say they should keep the rule, but if they aren't gunna recruit just 2nd dan and aboves. Why not remove it. Won't harm anyone and make the clan look good since the clan enforces all the rules.
Well it is really sad that you left Abdy.

Anyway. I really didn't even notice when we took Tay in and now he is inactive...
For the 2nd dan belt rule that you've been arguing, my opinion is that
it is mostly really good to have.

I think that i'll seek my way to ingame so so see ya there.

Why didn't u tell me you kicked her? Come back bro. Don't leave because of 1 person
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
Originally Posted by Avengd7x View Post
Why didn't u tell me you kicked her? Come back bro. Don't leave because of 1 person

Well since you, Inferno and Nyann want me back. Why not. But I want the honour of kicking Kitty plz. Give me that privelage and I am back.
Deal, I can send the invite but they will have to move you up in ranks
Damn iPod won't even let me send an invite. Find a rank 2 or inferno in game
Last edited by Avengd7x; Dec 15, 2012 at 02:04 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>