Endurance Onslaught 6.0
i actually have high hopes for you

yeah, we dont really need to earn tc that much. although were gonna have a private board(i thinl)

So yeah, my first choice for a first clan wouldnt really be a big clan, my first clan was MAU

Work on your forum activity, give it the shot at applying again next week
Name: My name is Ninjakid57.
Age: I'm 11 years old.
Belt: 4th Dan Blicked
Country and timezone: 'Merica, GMT -6
How active are you in-game (1-10): Somewhere about 5
Any clans you joined before us? If so, what were they, and why did you leave?: El_S, we died. Pretty much nothing ever happened, so I bailed.
Contact information (Skype, Facebook, etc.): My Skype; fluttershy578
Best mod(s), Favourite mod(s): My Best Mods; tk mods, aikido mods. My Favorites; tk mods.
What do you want to contribute to the clan?: Things like clan war help, an additional member, and more fight power in the clan.
Any bans/infractions?: Like 5 infracts. I'm sad.
Why did you chose Ascend? anybody suggest you here?: You did, Rhae (sorta).
Anything you'd like to add?: N/A
Post at least 1 single-player and 1 multi-player replay: Okay, but I'm a little more of an sp guy.
Attached Files
!nin - taunted.rpl (68.6 KB, 2 views)
!nin - off into winchester.rpl (147.2 KB, 2 views)
Last edited by avenue; Jun 12, 2015 at 09:59 AM.
funny blue smiling person
please to be enjoying lowkido
let's bring minibash back!
Originally Posted by Ninjakid57 View Post
Name: Ninjakid57
Age: 11
Belt: 4th Dan Blicked
Country and timezone: Merica, -6
How active are you in-game (1-10): 5
Any clans you joined before us? If so, what were they, and why did you leave?: El_S, we died. Pretty much nothing ever happened, so I bailed.
Contact information (Skype, Facebook, etc.): Skype; fluttershy578
Best mod(s), Favourite mod(s): Best; tk mods, aikido mods. Favorite; tk mods.
What do you want to contribute to the clan?: Clan war help, an additional member, more fight power in the clan.
Any bans/infractions?: Like 5 infracts. I'm sad.
Why did you chose Ascend? anybody suggest you here?: You did, Rhae (sorta).
Anything you'd like to add?: N/A
Post at least 1 single-player and 1 multi-player replay: Okay, but I'm a little more of an sp guy.

I feel like you could've put more thought into your application. Just feel direct and rushed. A no from me sorry
Belt:2nd dan black belt
Country and timezone:America American Central Time
How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10): getting back in so like 6
Any clans you joined before us?(If yes, why did you leave/got kicked?):Phoenix, really old clan i helped start it died and i stopped playing,This one kicked for inactivity because i quit toribash for about 5 months or so
Contacts (Skype, E-mail, etc):witthoused@yahoo.com
What mod are you good in? (Optional: post replays):wushu,Judo,Aikido i mostly play aikido nowadays
What can you contribute to the clan?(Please make your claim strong,any proofs?):well ive moderated this forum so i can do that and i can generally just help with forum stuff and can actively play if need be
Any bans/infractions?:1 Infraction
Why do you want to [Ascend]?:Ive been with it for quite a while and would like to rejoin :P also id like to help newer people progress in the game and help people look at stuff more broadly.
Player Card
Did anyone refer you here?:Rhaemond and a few of the other old members said i should rejoin if i became active again
Got some more to add?:some of you may or may not remember me i just like to chill :P and i can hold a debate quite well
Last edited by deatht1; Jun 23, 2015 at 05:12 PM.
Originally Posted by deatht1 View Post
Belt:2nd dan black belt
Country and timezone:America American Central Time
How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10): getting back in so like 6
Any clans you joined before us?(If yes, why did you leave/got kicked?):This one kicked for inactivity apparently
Contacts (Skype, E-mail, etc):witthoused@yahoo.com
What mod are you good in? (Optional: post replays):wushu,Judo,Aikido
What can you contribute to the clan?(Please make your claim strong,any proofs?):well ive moderated this forum before i can do it again :P
Any bans/infractions?:1 Infraction
Why do you want to [Ascend]?:Ive been with it for quite a while and would like to rejoin :P
Player Card
Did anyone refer you here?:Rhaemond
Got some more to add?:some of you may or may not remember me i just like to chill :P

Whew. i saw you in the previous members D since rhae trusts you so much i'd give you a go. Yes
Originally Posted by 4FCG View Post
I was requested to tell more about myself soo here we go:

Im a 15 year old dutch male, im still in school wich means i do have alot of homework. Once thats done im usually on my pc playing a game, mostly toribash doh. Im a wannabe funny guy or im just crazy cuz i make alot of weird stupid jokes. But don't get me wrong i can be serious too. Im quite bad as far as planning goes, and i can get really nervous when there is alot of pressure. Also because i play so much i am usually ready for training or wars. In a normal match i have the tendacy to just play around a bit but when in tournaments i can become a douchebag to play with :3. (that is if you are my enemy xD)

Add that to your other post and I can give my yes, you seem like a cool guy and can fit in with the clan.
[insert name here] [insert name here] [insert name here]
Originally Posted by 4FCG View Post
I was requested to tell more about myself soo here we go:

Im a 15 year old dutch male, im still in school wich means i do have alot of homework. Once thats done im usually on my pc playing a game, mostly toribash doh. Im a wannabe funny guy or im just crazy cuz i make alot of weird stupid jokes. But don't get me wrong i can be serious too. Im quite bad as far as planning goes, and i can get really nervous when there is alot of pressure. Also because i play so much i am usually ready for training or wars. In a normal match i have the tendacy to just play around a bit but when in tournaments i can become a douchebag to play with :3. (that is if you are my enemy xD)

Same as eki.

[Ascend] Free Speech!
Okay, as of now I am allowing people to vote on apps again, just don't be a daft cunt and vote "yes", "no" or "neutral", please add content to your post than just voting. Thanks. Have fun voting! ~Rhaemond

^True. ~Rhaemond