I'm pretty sure hes in if not I'll send the invite in a sec. iAwesome that is.
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Excuse me, is there any chance that I can join the clan with my old app? It's with the original thread, just before the clan got official. Also, I don't think I can be very active.
I'm back.
The cake ain't telling the truth...
Well then, no. If you can't be active, then you are just taking the space for members that will be active and helpful.
Be good or be good at it.
Make a new app, we might not decided to go looking for it and just say no. But just because I feel like being difficult, No.
Bacon is the answer to all problems.
[Tint] | MMO | RSO | Maker of teh textures.
Name: NicolasREV.
Age: 16.
Nationality: Brazilian.
Belt: 4th.
Mods: Judo, Wushu, Aikido.
Friends In Clan : Agentmax, Nickone.
Past Clans: [-Decap]Clan Died .[-Cyber]Quitted. [-Fyre]Quitted Yesterday (Cause I Want Play Here).
Gmt: -2.
Ingame Frequency (Days): 9/10 (Almost All Days).
Why You Want Join Revenge: Cause I Like This Clan And I Have Good Friends Here.
How You Can Help Tha Clan?: I'm Alltime Active, And I Probably I Will Play The Wars, And I Will Try To Win Much As Possible.
Any additional info about yourself: hmm, I Play Guitar, I Like Avenged Sevenfold , I Like My Computer, I Like do Heads (I Not Good On Make This) , I Like Football And Coke XD.

This Is Mine App, Not Copied.

Sry Bad English.
Last edited by NicolasREV; Nov 13, 2011 at 02:07 AM.
Originally Posted by NicolasREV View Post
Name: NicolasREV.
Age: 16.
Nationality: Brazilian.
Belt: 4th.
Mods: Judo, Wushu, Aikido.
Friends In Clan : Agentmax, Nickone.
Past Clans: [-Decap]Clan Died .[-Cyber]Quitted. [-Fyre]Quitted Yesterday (Cause I Want Play Here).
Gmt: -2.
Ingame Frequency (Days): 9/10 (Almost All Days).
Why You Want Join Revenge: Cause I Like This Clan And I Have Good Friends Here.
How You Can Help Tha Clan?: I'm Alltime Active, And I Probably I Will Play The Wars, And I Will Try To Win Much As Possible.
Any additional info about yourself: hmm, I Play Guitar, I Like Avenged Sevenfold , I Like My Computer, I Like do Heads (I Not Good On Make This) , I Like Football And Coke XD.

Sry Bad English.

Okay guys, its a yes from me but only cause ive known nick for a pre long time n he's a Ace player. He might not be THE best at english, (i can understand him fair well) but yeah its a yes from me
I am feeling sympathetic, right now. Normally, I would say no. But, if he has a reference from Nick, I guess maybe. But, I do think that he needs to re-post a free form app.
Be good or be good at it.
How many years you played:1
Why you wanna join clan:because i need a clan and this one is cool
Best modes:Judo, Aikido
Age: 13
Apatethic for Nico, and a no for Xtreem.
Toribash TakeOVER
<Colossus> ROFL
<Colossus> my friend got hit by a car
<Colossus> gonna go visit him. brb

[22:45:46] <Thorn> I know she likes it in the ear
[22:45:53] <Thorn> because when I put it to her mouth she turns away