he's not trying to get in, ichie. He's trying to get out, with - what he probably things is - a "gangsta dignity". Please... it ain't gonna work, Samantha, you're too simple even for that! ;)
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Swoo, You could have almost redeemed yourself in my opinion, But you went and ruined it by making everyone fuck you sahee.
It's not sahee's fault, It's yours. If you had have stayed with your clan, Hadn't have signed up for other clans then RA and just been nice you could have got in.
But no chance now.
Cap 'n' Crunch has worked for Quaker Oats for the past 35 years click here and support promoting him to admiral.
Come on united, don't teach shiz how to fly. It can't. Just as he couldn't "redeem" himself. He should just dodge the hammer blows instead looking up at them falling at his face, and saying "stfu" to the hammer. Now that's how intelligent he is ;).

SMASH! Pawnosaurus - Samantha 3:0.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
ok Sahee im not interested in joining to RA no more.Good luck with your clan and srry for that.
"Be obscure clearly."
I just got an idea of using against you, but eh... since you call it an over, then so be it. Cya around, and thanks for applying. ;)
Last edited by Sahee; Dec 18, 2008 at 12:59 AM.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Ok Pwnzor. I'm so quick, that I'm going back in time. I saw you looking at this thread for few days now, and I checked your profile meanwhile. Now - 20/12/2008 - in human time - I realized I was right about you, and so I went back in time, and posted this, here, now - in the sahee time - what's below, cause - your replays aren't enough.


My everlasting, everseeing, evil eye sees everything, so I got into conclusion: try later, and better luck next time, Pwnzor93. Thanks for applying and sorry for not letting you in. *friendly pat*

And remember. My evil eye is watching. Always. And yes, it damn well sees you naked. You don't believe it? Then how would I know that you're starting to grow hair in funny places?


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Enjoy it. Someone there looks at your back. Don't turn around, and check if it's true! o: [you want to check it, and I see it too] ;P. [/rhymes] ;)
Last edited by Sahee; Dec 20, 2008 at 08:22 PM.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
lol,i've learnt one thing "do not mess withsahee":Psahee pwns,do not try to be better then him...!i'd like to apply again but i know that i have no chance to join and im in evil(that is great clan,i dont know why swooya dont want to be in evil)
I'm [Addicted]
So what your saying is you're trying to join...but you don't have any intention of getting in.

Jeremy - You can train a n00b, but he'll just be a trained n00b...
w00t?no,im not.i like [Evil] and im going to stay in this posting here cuz sahee posted link to this thread on the evil forum :P
I'm [Addicted]