вульф прелдолжил роджерам кв вроде
та и я бы ЮТМ забил)
Last edited by bate2008; May 22, 2011 at 11:12 AM.
Originally Posted by torimanLT3 View Post
i don't knew usb is art maker o_o

Yes because USB is definately not
I dont need weed to get you high.
[s]USB 3-1 [Damned]S7ing::bd::+5k

[s] [tgs] [w] [dp]
Clan League 2013 & 2019 Champion
dont close thread
i want to talk with him a bit
and dont delete posts.i respect bloob's oppinion,hes in [clan] and he is allie so he can invade and say his oppinion.
about chandler
you applied for lot of clans recently._.
anyway,im neutral but ill test you.
lol'd on above's post.
only person that mastered realism is oblivion.
also your replay.
just hits,no style,no flow ._.