Originally Posted by Nagato9757 View Post
Read nd replied!

Anyways, sorry about what happened when you joined impact. I was just... So mad

Its all good man XD I made a new clan because the old members clan hopped and made me leader so I take full control!
Originally Posted by GodlyGirl View Post
Im a Lil Sleeepy Todaay Dont Be mean to Meeee ; - ;

Socks? I never would have guessed socks.
Leader of nothing
Originally Posted by fluxpony View Post
Still, I though she didn't like your, you know. :3

She Doenst Like Them, But She Loves Socks And My Legs <3

Originally Posted by Xipherion View Post
@swaves i see it now, the reason behind Enclave Remants... Is it official yet?

I only just renamed the clan and made a new thread today, and I have only 0tc so I can't get official!