Abdy:Im srry, blue version is a recolor, you will have to pay for it, I didn't say it came with the recolored version.
Kitty:Aww dude dont be like that are u kidding me.....god dammit 10k plox
Abdy: 30k and deal or your dq texture for it
Kitty: Dude ave bought this set for 37k u sold it to me for 8$ i think me giving u 10k extra is nice and besides cut me some slack man i bought that dq from u
Abdy:want it or not, my price is 30k or dq texture, the more you wait, the higher the price will be for that recolored set.
Kitty:your fucked up nvm
Abdy:Never liked you, Never will. Oh Btw, Be Careful what you say. You insult me on me more time and your kicked and won't be able to re-app.

I don't know his problem and why he doesn't like me, but if i get kicked you all know why D:
Well. Not sure why Abdy is angry but you are little ignorant tho.

You got banned by gettin so much infractions.

When we made deal on Full 128 you sent me one without a head...
Noticed it too late and i was too lazy to ask for the head.

@Kitty, Well Abdy can't kick you
But you're getting on some members nerves, and

I'm planning on talking to the other leaders about your behavior.

I know we all like to mess around and call each other names,

and moan at each other, but it seems you have been taking it a bit to far,

so if you want to stay a member, I'd advise you to respect your superiors more

and other clan members.

Oh well, yeah. I kinda agree, since I'm an ally so I like to have my word, you see Kitty.
I'm ignorant as shit. Although, I try to be as nice as I can, without throwing out insults
that can actually offend someone. And on your post, I don't know if you noticed, but
you're the first to insult.

So don't try to say that it's his or her fault. You won't evade the truth.
I suggest you don't be like that in the near future, I made a lot of enemys that way.
And I regret that, very much.

Also, your posts seem a lil' too short. Be like me, post not frequenty, but with a lot of

And Box, nice use of paragraphs, even tho' you placed them.. quite badly, it looks like
your post has a lot of 'stuff' in it.
Anyway, I'm going in game now, feelin' like kicking eeaass.
Last edited by Metriakon; Dec 14, 2012 at 06:10 PM.
I wont be in game for a while. Apparently I'm on academic probation in school.

I love you all and ill miss you. Ill be on the internet through my cell. If u want my number just pm me.
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
I don't quite understand what that means, can anyone from America elaborate on it for me? Seems awfully stupid from the name of it.

I will miss you Alex, how long is "a while"?
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

Few months. Basically I have bad grades and I'm grounded ooooooo

Also no phone so ill be even less active. I'll try to use my grandpas phone and shit. OH WAIT I STILL HAVE MY IPOD
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
Originally Posted by Kitty View Post
I don't know his problem and why he doesn't like me, but if i get kicked you all know why D:

It's because both of you are greedy ass mother fuckers.
I walked into an ethr room yesterday an watched you attempt to ignore 4-5 other ethr members and try to make the room a bet
server and attempt to cover it up with bullshit like "I'm too lazy".
We shouldn't have to set up rules for Ethr rooms since most of them are common common sense and general respect for other
ethr members but, we might have to since you appear to lack all of them.

Yes, Abdy's threat was utter bullshit, immature and just plain fucking retarded.
Which of course is one of those "0mj p0w3r abuse" bullshits that normal users use on staff members which to me, is exponentially
worse than you being a stingy ass mother fucker but I assume it will be brought up by some one other than me.

You can get a recolor for free. Why the fuck's cunt is this even here anyways?
Originally Posted by Avengd7x View Post
I wont be in game for a while. Apparently I'm on academic probation in school.

I love you all and ill miss you. Ill be on the internet through my cell. If u want my number just pm me.

Ye. Get out of here. No fishes allowed.
Originally Posted by Avengd7x View Post
Few months. Basically I have bad grades and I'm grounded ooooooo

Also no phone so ill be even less active. I'll try to use my grandpas phone and shit. OH WAIT I STILL HAVE MY IPOD

Well that sucks... Gl avengd ;)

@isolation: What do you mean by fishes? O3O
Thats one curosity case for me.
"You're not welcome in Gamindustri."
Dartz, read Iso's siggy,

@Ave nuuuuu :~; so does your school ban you from the internet,
or what, or is it your family that stopped you? ;~;