Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Yeah, through my 6 games, muur pretty much summed it up. Jungle and support is almsot never taken. I had to support one game because I was last pick, and another I was last pick, but this guy on my team and I locked each other's champs and switched. Just communicate, and you'll get what you want. I usually jungled, and I have noticed that enemy junglers seem to go in a pattern, and are super predictable where they are ganking.

When I played support, I played Janna, and their adc was so overwhelmed. I would knock them up, our kog would ult, and then i'd slow, and he'd use his steroid and kill them.

Another huge thing to do is duo que. I met my duo que partner in a game where I played mao jungle. At the end of the game, I had 4,000 health, and 235 armor. Enemies focused me and he just kicked their ass as AD talon mid.
Last edited by sham; Dec 25, 2012 at 03:59 PM.
My favourite jungle is definitely udyr. WW has more sustain but udyr just slaughters everything so hard. I know all jungles kill shit, but udyr is particularly fun. Not to mention he can gank pretty successfully at any level as long as he has his E. Team battles with udyr is bullshit too, just run in taking all the damage and spam your W while the rest of the team takes them out.

Also I played a ranked game as sona but out jungle swapped smite for exhaust right at the last second because he didn't want to jungle. Complete idiot, ruined the whole game. We could've survived even without a jungle, but their xin zhao jungle just kept ganking top and nobody could help
Last edited by BladesOnToast; Dec 25, 2012 at 04:36 PM.
Shinigami Chop!
You can probably get into 2000+ elo just by playing solely support if you're good at it. Especially if you doubt your ability to play other lanes well, and if you aren't exactly stellar in the jungle. Then you just get yourself carried up by letting other people do the more noticeable clutch moves while you work behind the scenes to make it happen with ward coverage and such.

I nearly broke 1500 doing solely support before I stopped doing ranked and let elo decay bring me back down to 1400 in s2. I probably could have gotten higher if I kept at it, cause I had like a 5:1 win rate at that point. I think I was 10-ish to 2-ish when I stopped, so I still had large elo changes possible for the next 8 or so games. Probably could have hit 1800 if I kept up that win rate.

But ranked makes me too nervous, so I don't play it often :s This was also back when Blitz was just becoming popular as a support and not banned out every game. He was my 2nd top played champ after Taric. Now I suppose Zyra support would be the next best comparable thing for me, but I can't be arsed to pick up ranked again. I'll probably just get to 1400 elo then stop there if anything.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Hey guys a couple friends and I have set up a channel and are working on delivering interesting league videos.
IGN: xKidFamous

One Video

holy shit my back hurts, figuratively and literately after my last game.

Go check my match history if you'd guys like. too lazy to crop something up right now.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

sup, I just found this out http://www.leaguereplays.com/download/
it records automatically when you start a match, I tested in custom game, and 9min of game did just 1,4mb of replay files, this way you'll be able to share it easily.
when watching it opens the replay with league of legends as if you were watching it as an spectator.
if you ''pro guys'' have any good matches saved (or if you happen to save them in the future), upload some files so I can learn from you (I believe you need just the .lrf file to be put in the documents/lolreplay/replay folder to watch)
anyways you need to wait 3 minutes before watching it when you finish recording (the same three minutes delay you have as an spectator)
Originally Posted by Colossus View Post
sup, I just found this out http://www.leaguereplays.com/download/
it records automatically when you start a match, I tested in custom game, and 9min of game did just 1,4mb of replay files, this way you'll be able to share it easily.
when watching it opens the replay with league of legends as if you were watching it as an spectator.
if you ''pro guys'' have any good matches saved (or if you happen to save them in the future), upload some files so I can learn from you (I believe you need just the .lrf file to be put in the documents/lolreplay/replay folder to watch)
anyways you need to wait 3 minutes before watching it when you finish recording (the same three minutes delay you have as an spectator)

I only started using it awhile ago. I got my first Akali pentakill but it wasn't recorded on anything and so after that game I installed lolreplay so if it ever happened again I could capture it-which I did.
Originally Posted by BladesOnToast View Post
My favourite jungle is definitely udyr. WW has more sustain but udyr just slaughters everything so hard. I know all jungles kill shit, but udyr is particularly fun. Not to mention he can gank pretty successfully at any level as long as he has his E. Team battles with udyr is bullshit too, just run in taking all the damage and spam your W while the rest of the team takes them out.

Also I played a ranked game as sona but out jungle swapped smite for exhaust right at the last second because he didn't want to jungle. Complete idiot, ruined the whole game. We could've survived even without a jungle, but their xin zhao jungle just kept ganking top and nobody could help

You picked 1 of 3 junglers that require no skill.

Others would be Fiddle and WW.

at level 20 (summoner level) I built Udyr full armor and 1 mogs. Dived anything, anywhere.

Hate how I just bought Hecarim and now he is free.
I'll just jungle as Skarner Voli and Shyvana for the week. Untill Hecarim isn't free. THEN I'LL JUNGLE HEC ERRY MATCH MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA <3
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