My application :>
Hello, my name IGN is MrMrO. I'm from Malaysia [GMT +8], I was looking for a clan which is mostly online when I'm playing and I think this clan really suited what I want. I saw the "ELECTRIC RECRUITMENT" lobby for 2 days. I decided to give it a go since I seriously want to be in a clan and join clan wars. My account was created in 2013 which mean I should have dan belt now, but I didn't. The reason is, in 2014 I totally stop playing toribash and in 2015 I don't play too cause I was preparing for life-changing examination in my country. I started to play again around december 2015 until now.

I'm good with boxshu,judo, sword-related's mod and the new mod slambo_x. I rarely play in mod like "aikido" (that includes abd) so yeah, I'm not good at it. My previous clan was my very first clan which is "Ripper". I'm just starting to get into the texture and art making's world. If you noticed, I've posted my very first head texture which I create with paint(lol). I'm trying to get better on arts, right now I'm figuring how to use Gimp and hopefully I can get used to it. I'm trying to make my own set in the future :>

I'm 18 years old IRL as in 2016. I'm working part-time at a market while waiting for my result for last year examination(the life-changing). Maybe this year I will further my studies if I had enough money(not sure when). While waiting for offer from colleges/university I will be just doing my daily routine. Go to work, go back home, play toribash and sleep. Thats pretty much sums out my daily life :> Electric
Your app was too weak, auto rejected.

We'll vote, we will pm you the results anytime soon.
But i had to go to sleep and i just woke up at 11:00
idk Where to comment and what to comment ._. only things i have been on the toribash website is the torishop ._.
Last edited by Jagon11; Jan 25, 2016 at 06:11 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
OH! I'm sorry. Also, coment whatever you want. Now's a good time to gain experience.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Lol i posted somthing on Head Text That if you need somebody to make not so good art im the right person
I think im also 230- from black belt
Last edited by Jagon11; Jan 25, 2016 at 09:01 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
It's been more than 24 hours... I don't think you're going to get any more active than what you're at right now.

Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
I would like to begin by saying that I love free form applications and I think clans that use this kind of system is awesome and cool and doesn't take just any member for granted. In any case, let's start with my application.

Greeting and salutations. I'm NitrateDash. The names comes from Nitrate, my favorite polyatomic ion, and Dash coming from Rainbow Dash. Also meaning quick, agile, and any synonym to the word fast. Please do pull up a chair and listen to my tale of adventure and drama.

I've been around the forums ever since 2011, using the account DarkeVipr. I used to be a lone wolf, beating asses and getting TC for winning matches. When I got to brown belt, I stumbled upon a public server. A clan called Guardians were on that server. We were all friendly with each other, chatted for a bit until I eventually joined the clan. It wasn't the best clan out there, but I was certainly happy being there. All of the members were my virtual family. After a while, I became Co-Leader of the clan. It wasn't easy, but I could tell that I learned a lot in my position. After a while, college happened and I started to become inactive. I withheld my position as Co-Leader as I didn't want to drag everyone down. I gave my farewells, and with that, I left the clan.
A year and a half later, I started missing my friends. So I tried getting back at Toribash. Long story short, I forgot my password and the email account associated with it. So that's when this account was born. By the time I checked everything out, Guardians has died.

I joined Metagame on this account, and well. It didn't go so well. Some irl problems and we had to move and bam, it died too.

Next up was le, which was the next closest thing I got to another family. It was more of a social type of clan than anything else. We hung out at skype a lot and talked a lot in and outside the forums. Skype mostly. We had fun and got close to Donk, Smiles, and Grim. But I still gave them my regards on me being inactive for a bit, and I still was in touch through Skype, though a lot has happened during the time I was gone. Everything was going to shit when Donkey left and everything just went pooof.

What the hell is up with me and dying clans, am I right?

Continuing on, I'd like to talk about myself. I haven't been active recently due to college but since I've got a lot of free time since my subjects and schedule are pretty loose. I'm a second year Communication Arts student, that means media, films, journalism and the like. And more often than not, I'll be active more in forums and Skype than in-game. I would like to put that up front. If needed to be, I'll be active in-game as much as I can. I also like to play games. Like a lot. I play some CSGO, Hearthstone, a bit of Dota 2, a lot of League of Legends. I watch some anime but I don't get into it if it doesn't cater to my tastes. I build Gunpla as a hobby too, and I also make basic games. Though I haven't done a lot or completed a full project.
"But Nitrate, what can you do for the clan?"
That's a good question.
Well I can do shit like art and videos, being a Communication Arts student myself.
My work can be seen here at my deviantArt.
As for in-game prowess, I'm pretty good at Aikido. I can't say I'm the best, but I can stand my ground. Other than that, I would like to learn some wushu. If there's anyone who's really good at that, I'd do my best to learn.
I'm more of a multiplayer kind of guy than single player. I can't do spars or replays for shit. As such, I do an all relax style of fighting. It just looks more fluid and countering moves never felt so satisfying.

My timezone is GMT+8, I hope that won't hinder us from communicating and playing with each other. After all, my body clock is botched and I'm mostly up late at night here.
My Skype is Nitrate of the Rebellion.

I guess that's all I can say for now, if there's anything that needs to be added, I'd be more than happy to answer.

Thank you for reading my application and thank you for this opportunity~
I hope it wasn't too long of a read, I tried spacing it so it wouldn't look draggy on your eyes.

Long live Electric.
I sure hope I got the right color.

I'm your top tier waifu.
Visit my panda thread!
I'm also Event Squad! Slide into my DMs for questions!
Pssst! Aeon is just boomer Adventure. Pass it on.
As soon as you brought up Rainbow Dash, I automatically like you but I will try to put aside my bias for this. You seem like a very decent person that put the effort into giving me something entertaining and well written to read. I like it. I like it a lot. Also, since you like CSGO and LoL, I like you even more... now I'm regressing. Because you use DeviantArt, I like you even more. I really need to stop. Anyway, I say yes.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.