Originally Posted by samux57 View Post
Im so nervous for the answeeer D:

Be patient, and calm, don't spam the post. it's all based on how they like you and worrying and spamming wont help.
Nick: Rise
Age: 14
Belt: Black Belt
Forum Activity: 1 hour
Ingame Activity: Every day
Past Clans: DRUNK
Bad History: Kicked out of Drunk
Why do you want to join?: I want to help create a clan where we all could fight together side by side, Stopping everyone in our way.
What can you offer to Ultimate?: 1 tc or Me
Nick: As you can see, my nickname is carl174
Age: I am currently 14 years old
Belt: 2nd dan, i know, it's not a lot.
Forum Activity: Well i am not forum active in general but in clan discussions i am if you would do some research you would find how frequently i posted on KnC clan discussion.
Ingame Activity: I just came back from a pretty long break (maybe about 1 month) but i will be active unless ill have some problems but i will always message if i will be inactive and if possible, I will state for how long i will be inactive.
Past Clans: (Neko) which later died, (KnC) and [Origin] but it took like only few days because i quit because i felt like i didn't fit here compared to other clans same for (Bomb). (KnC) was my favorite clan and i had to quit for personal reasons which i dont want to talk about.
Bad History: I dont really have any bad history like being kicked out of the clan or banned.
Why do you want to join?: I want to join you guys so that i could help you progress through everything and help in events like clan wars.
What can you offer to Ultimate?: I can offer you my skills and help.
Additional information (free form) is optional. Limit to 1 paragraph.
So, i was born in Lithuania, a little country in Europe and my real name is Simas. As stated, i am 14 years old male and my hobbies are sports, hanging out with friends and playing video games. I play toribash since 2011 but i was little so i didnt understand anything so i did a huge break which was maybe a year or two long. Right now i even spar and parkour so i know how every joint works and i learned a lot of things from my previous clan (KnC). My favorite mods are lenshu3ng and abd.
Replays (post as an attachment): Replays will contain 1 parkour replay i made today with 1 friend and another will contain a public (i think) abd match. Oh and sorry for that random name i wanted to save the replay quickly before it ended.
P.S sorry if i made any grammar mistakes, English is not my native language.
EDIT: added bold text so that it would be easier to read
Attached Files
Carl and Dope Parkour.rpl (1.32 MB, 2 views)
asda.rpl (81.6 KB, 2 views)
Life is good when you have friends backing you up
Originally Posted by RisingRP View Post
Nick: Rise
Age: 14
Belt: Black Belt
Forum Activity: 1 hour
Ingame Activity: Every day
Past Clans: DRUNK
Bad History: Kicked out of Drunk
Why do you want to join?: I want to help create a clan where we all could fight together side by side, Stopping everyone in our way.
What can you offer to Ultimate?: 1 tc or Me

no thank you
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
Heres 2 more abd matches if you guys are interested i made them just now
Attached Files
Another.rpl (76.7 KB, 2 views)
And Another.rpl (43.6 KB, 2 views)
Life is good when you have friends backing you up
Originally Posted by carl174 View Post
Nick: As you can see, my nickname is carl174
Age: I am currently 14 years old
Belt: 2nd dan, i know, it's not a lot.
Forum Activity: Well i am not forum active in general but in clan discussions i am if you would do some research you would find how frequently i posted on KnC clan discussion.
Ingame Activity: I just came back from a pretty long break (maybe about 1 month) but i will be active unless ill have some problems but i will always message if i will be inactive and if possible, I will state for how long i will be inactive.
Past Clans: (Neko) which later died, (KnC) and [Origin] but it took like only few days because i quit because i felt like i didn't fit here compared to other clans same for (Bomb). (KnC) was my favorite clan and i had to quit for personal reasons which i dont want to talk about.
Bad History: I dont really have any bad history like being kicked out of the clan or banned.
Why do you want to join?: I want to join you guys so that i could help you progress through everything and help in events like clan wars.
What can you offer to Ultimate?: I can offer you my skills and help.
Additional information (free form) is optional. Limit to 1 paragraph.
So, i was born in Lithuania, a little country in Europe and my real name is Simas. As stated, i am 14 years old male and my hobbies are sports, hanging out with friends and playing video games. I play toribash since 2011 but i was little so i didnt understand anything so i did a huge break which was maybe a year or two long. Right now i even spar and parkour so i know how every joint works and i learned a lot of things from my previous clan (KnC). My favorite mods are lenshu3ng and abd.
Replays (post as an attachment): Replays will contain 1 parkour replay i made today with 1 friend and another will contain a public (i think) abd match. Oh and sorry for that random name i wanted to save the replay quickly before it ended.
P.S sorry if i made any grammar mistakes, English is not my native language.
EDIT: added bold text so that it would be easier to read

this is the only decent app ive seen in weeks.



pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
Nick: tomias13
Age: 16
Belt: 5th Dan, close to 6th
Forum Activity: I am active on forum, i am always reading the forum but in writing im not good because my bad english.
Ingame Activity: I can be ingame 2-3 hours, timezone is GMT+1 there, im active on clan wars.
Past Clans: LIONS, HS, Spartan warriors, TEKKEN, Ascend
Bad History: I have not bad history
Why do you want to join?: I want to be a member of a great community.
What can you offer to Ultimate?: Loyality, help in clan wars, activity on forum and ingame.
Additional information (free form) is optional. Limit to 1 paragraph.
So i am living in Hungary, i am 16 years old. I am starting the 11th grade in school. Im started Toribash 2,5 years ago and i have 5th Dan now. My best mods are Aikido, Greykido and Judofrac. I am started in LIONS clan, but im being inactive for 1 months and kicked out. When im going back im invited to HS and with one past HS member we made the Spartan Warriors clan but hes going to inactive and the clan is dead. Im going to join other clans but because my or the clan's inactivity i have no clan now. I leaved the game for 1 months for vacation and now im back.
Replays (post as an attachment): I am recovered my PC so i have no replays now

Thank you for seeing my application!
Freeform applications are what the cool kids do.

Hihihelloaphant, my name is Grohenbird, but feel free to address me as Quinn... or really anything. I respond to anything. I am currently a 10th dan. I check the forums and get in-game at least once a day, but as I am now in college this may drop. I have been in quite a few clans, and would prefer not to attempt listing them all because I have a terrible memory and will miss quite a few. I have played for 5 years. My first account (which shall not be named) was banned due to scamming, but since then I've wizened up and follow the rules to a cue. I would like to join because Ultimate is a very reputable clan with some great people in it, and I'd like to join as I am also a great human being. I unfortunately have very few skills, but I'm friendly and am great at management so I'll be sure to yell at the dumbs who screw up in a very kind fashion :^).

I am currently an 18 year old cis male hailing from the state of Arkansas. I just started college today and have just returned from my first class. I am currently unemployed but intend to get one soon to pay for my expensive habits. I have a few friends that I hang out with very infrequently. I play other games beside Toribash, so if you need me feel free to contact me at: groinbird.the.conqueror on Skype, as well as add me on Steam and PSN at, in order: Calistr and Sanolis. I'd be happy to tell you more about me there, if you so desire to hear more.

Replays are listed below, I'm pretty average in-game.
Attached Files
omgtk.rpl (77.4 KB, 2 views)
imgoodk.rpl (77.7 KB, 2 views)
I think I might be retired.
Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post

or really anything.

hey bitch boi.

Yes to grohen
Originally Posted by tomias13 View Post
Nick: tomias13
Age: 16
Belt: 5th Dan, close to 6th
Forum Activity: I am active on forum, i am always reading the forum but in writing im not good because my bad english.
Ingame Activity: I can be ingame 2-3 hours, timezone is GMT+1 there, im active on clan wars.
Past Clans: LIONS, HS, Spartan warriors, TEKKEN, Ascend
Bad History: I have not bad history
Why do you want to join?: I want to be a member of a great community.
What can you offer to Ultimate?: Loyality, help in clan wars, activity on forum and ingame.
Additional information (free form) is optional. Limit to 1 paragraph.
So i am living in Hungary, i am 16 years old. I am starting the 11th grade in school. Im started Toribash 2,5 years ago and i have 5th Dan now. My best mods are Aikido, Greykido and Judofrac. I am started in LIONS clan, but im being inactive for 1 months and kicked out. When im going back im invited to HS and with one past HS member we made the Spartan Warriors clan but hes going to inactive and the clan is dead. Im going to join other clans but because my or the clan's inactivity i have no clan now. I leaved the game for 1 months for vacation and now im back.
Replays (post as an attachment): I am recovered my PC so i have no replays now

Thank you for seeing my application!

no to tomias
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn