Originally Posted by Devouerer View Post
My name is Nick this is my nickname.
My belt is Blue belt even though im still blue I'm not that noob.
My Qi is just 280.
My post count is just 14, I will try to be more active in forums.
I want to join in this clan because I want to be in an official clan. I want to learn if my grammar is correct. I want to be with this clan because I know you guys are great.
I will serve for this clan.

This is not a 'language learning' clan, mate.
Why official clan? Not unofficial clan?

Originally Posted by djcoolkid100 View Post
Name: djcoolkid100
Belt: Brown Belt.
Qi: 995
Post count: 1
Why you think you should join: I have very good skills with fighting dogging etc
Anything else: I make textures and Make videos


Originally Posted by Ondoy View Post
Hello raku memebers, I would like to apply for this clan.

My username is Ondoy but my nickname is Fernando.
My belt is Blue and my Qi is 350.
I am 12 years old and i live in the Phillipines.
My previous clan was brave.
I would like to join because I think this is a great clan. If you let me join I will serve raku. copied Devouerer last sentence and modified it. Meh, I have not seen such a good application in a long time. Good job.
Have any questions? Need help? PM me!
Originally Posted by TMinster View Post
Okay I will hold my horses on this one and wait the other members reply ;)

We'll discuss you a bit longer, don't worry, you have a chance of getting in as trial.
Your welcome brother.
No to the 2nd and 3rd applicants.
Lack of motivation, lack of effort in writing. Basically, both of the apps are below average.(No offense)

As for TMinister, I've already said that I won't be voting.
Frost is pretty cool
Ok kamura it's okay that you don't vote I will just wait on the other members to reply for my application and by the way it's TMinster not TMinister there is no i in the minster okay.
Alright so have all current applicants been rejected?
Last edited by Star; Dec 8, 2012 at 03:13 PM.
Originally Posted by Ondoy View Post
Hello raku memebers, I would like to apply for this clan.

My username is Ondoy but my nickname is Fernando.
My belt is Blue and my Qi is 350.
I am 12 years old and i live in the Phillipines.
My previous clan was brave.
I would like to join because I think this is a great clan. If you let me join I will serve raku.

Yeah I remember the typhoon Ondoy back in 2009.

I am Pilipino too, but I can see that you're not so much active and since you've said you want to play with us, we're not that much active in-game.
"Isolate and Devour"
TMinister, I'm really sorry to say, but I don't think this is the right clan for you.
I've noticed that you've applied here several times, it does indeed show your persistence in wanting to join us.

I'm really sorry, but you've been rejected.

I haet you star.

THOUGH, If you are willing to make one more app, replacing your current app; then I'd be delighted.
Also, make sure it's better than this one.

* elvis likes this
Last edited by elvis; Dec 8, 2012 at 03:08 PM.
Frost is pretty cool