Alright peeps, this is how it's going down. Any rage or rude comments will be ignored. So watch what the fuck you say.

You all have until December to get me to stay. If I'm not convinced after that month is up, I'll be sending all of my items and TC to WannabeKitFox. Some to my student. I will then close down the clan. After that, I will request a ban and leave toribash.

No, I won't send anything to you.
No, I won't go ingame, unless I want to go ingame with a certain person.
No, I won't do ANYTHING ingame related, such as wars and tourneys.
Yes, I will be on the forums.

And for those who've had a past experience with me.

I'm dead fucking serious.

Good luck.
the goblin
Not a good enough reason.

So yeah. Still. December.

And no, this isn't a temper tantrum. As stated before, I'm dead serious. I'm just giving you guys a chance.
the goblin
I was pretty sure you were gunna say that. But don't leave just cause I am. If I do happen to leave, then just carry on my name. In any way possible.
the goblin
Tamakuu, you are the reason we joined, you leave, I leave. that's how loyal I am to my friends.
ES Member | [a] Adventure
Originally Posted by TamaKuu View Post
Alright peeps, this is how it's going down. Any rage or rude comments will be ignored. So watch what the fuck you say.

You all have until December to get me to stay. If I'm not convinced after that month is up, I'll be sending all of my items and TC to WannabeKitFox. Some to my student. I will then close down the clan. After that, I will request a ban and leave toribash.

No, I won't send anything to you.
No, I won't go ingame, unless I want to go ingame with a certain person.
No, I won't do ANYTHING ingame related, such as wars and tourneys.
Yes, I will be on the forums.

And for those who've had a past experience with me.

I'm dead fucking serious.

Good luck.

If that is what you wish,then do it.I know ToriBash can get boring sometimes,just do what I do.Stick around on the forums,and go ingame like once a year.Leave the leader position to someone else and mess around a bit.

I want you to stay too,I am just trying to explain that you won't do any bad leaving.
I play games and lift weights.