Vlad i noticed, you joined when my stream and computer had there freakout sessions D:

(going for food brb)
[Pandora] I can't appreciate another day in Heaven without another day in Hell [Anime United]
55 full load.

~34-35 idle.

I know it's still kinda hot but better than before.

But still...I don't have any idea on how accurate the sensor is.
Proud member of [Pandora]
35 is pretty good for idle.

I have 45 with my current one.... (that is going to change though when I get my v8 )

55 though is pretty....bad... try placing some fans towards the cpu cooler and (if you havnt allready) do some cable management and make sure you have alot of places where air can come in and out of your case... so that it is not like a sealed box with no openings.
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
I did some cable management a while ago and it dropped by ~1-2 oC.

I still think I should buy a bigger cooler and some Arctic Silver 5 or other good quality paste cause what I used now is kinda weak.

I got like 35-40$ sitting there and I could get some more from my dad and buy something good.

And man! that CM V8 is huuuuge.I think it would break by motherboard(okay, I exagerated but still...~1kg thingy).
Last edited by vladvlad; Apr 14, 2010 at 01:59 PM.
Proud member of [Pandora]
yeah it is huge.... I'm going to have to move the "side window fan" to the outside of the window.... otherwise it wont fit XD
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
Too bad my case is 7 years old and doesn't have a side fan...That would help me with the temps.

I could drill some holes in order to put one there but I only have a 120mm spare fan
and I don't think that would make a difference.
Last edited by vladvlad; Apr 14, 2010 at 04:11 PM.
Proud member of [Pandora]
Just tested the temps. About 36 idle with fans on lowest, and 52 under load with fans on almost full.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3