Endurance Onslaught 6.0
why did it take me so long to see this thread .-.

I pm'd my names and region, it should be in op at some point

I like to main Brand and fiddlesticks but I play mostly Twisted Treeline- when I play Summoner's Rift you better hope I'm Brand mid because I'm not very good at champs that aren't AP casters lol
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
Always start E, get 3 levels in it then max W. Reason you get early levels in E (atleast at my elo) rather than W is because you have more impact in lane and if you can poke the enemy adc out of lane, which is easy because every support player at my elo is trash tier, then it's free farm for your adc. It also maximises your burst at lvl 6.
Ward everything, passive gold gen now is cray and items are cheaper so you're gonna wanna buy wards.
No point getting a level in Q unless against Zyra or you feel like manmode turret diving.

Also most important thing, W your adc. And don't go oom.

I generally start: flask 4 pots and 2 wards. The sustain this gives is retarded.
I go 0/9/21 masteries. Runes are: MS Quints, GP10 seals, Armour reds, MR/lvl blues or flat mr I don't remember.

I just alternate E and W starting with E. A point in q early is fun for doing dragon but you don't really need it.
Originally Posted by sham View Post
I played my first 5 ranked matches, and i'm at 1234 elo. Is that good for placement matches, or am I gonna be stuck in elo hell?

As I said a few posts above, one of my mates jumped straight in and got placed at 800. At the moment he's on about 1100 so I'd say that you're going alright. How long ago did you hit 30 and how long have you been playing for?
I've been playing since about June this year. I hit level 30 like about 1 week ago. I've been watching TSM Theoddone streams, and it has helped me so much when I'm jungling.

Also, my friends who are much better than me are stuck in elo hell around 1100, and they've been playing for 2 years. I guess I just got really lucky
So I picked up a duo que partner. I'm climbing with him. I think he's like 1370, and now i'm 1310. I'm pretty sure i'm out of elo hell. My teammates know what they are doing. If feels awesome to not be 5-2 in ranked, which I thought would be much harder.
I've been playing since the end of Season 1 sham, and I'm at 1200 right now. Should raise a bit after I start duo queing. Not to mention I don't have a good idea of who I'd like to play often for each role.

Anyway, I've only played 6 matches and hopefully my elo can reach above 1400 at some point in the future, kind of screwed myself by just jumping straight in when I hit 30 on this new account. My overall goal is to be at 1500+ by the end of Season 3.
Last edited by Faint; Dec 25, 2012 at 08:46 AM.
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
I'd love some tips on how to go about ranked. I know the general stuff like muting team mates and opponents who talk smack but is there anything more?

Well, the starting out games are going to practically be the same as normal queue...or at least feel like it. Know each role competently enough to not totally suck. This is because there are tons of people in beginning elo who practically will only play one role and will intentionally feed, disrupt your teams synergy, or rage quit if they do not get it. Support and Jungle are good to know because not many desire these roles. Support in low elo is meh. Leona, Taric, and Alistar are all good support picks in low elo. I have yet to lose a game as Janna as well. CC and AoE are very overwhelming for the low elo players. Knowing farming strategies, such as freezing the lane, are very important especially if the enemy jungler is good and there are roamers and what not. Anyways I'm getting tired of writing so...I guess my last tip would be just not being selfish, especially in regards to bans and what not. Good luck and stuff! (By the way I lag out way to much to play ranked consistently so don't necessarily consider these tips all totally proven viable...I just know lots of stuff from things I hear and see in friends ranked matches and my own to some extent...but I bought myself good internet and finally finished building my computer so I should be back in business within the next week)
Last edited by Muur; Dec 25, 2012 at 08:48 AM.
Originally Posted by Muur View Post
Well, the starting out games are going to practically be the same as normal queue...or at least feel like it. Know each role competently enough to not totally suck. This is because there are tons of people in beginning elo who practically will only play one role and will intentionally feed, disrupt your teams synergy, or rage quit if they do not get it. Support and Jungle are good to know because not many desire these roles. Support in low elo is meh. Leona, Taric, and Alistar are all good support picks in low elo. I have yet to lose a game as Janna as well. CC and AoE are very overwhelming for the low elo players. Knowing farming strategies, such as freezing the lane, are very important especially if the enemy jungler is good and there are roamers and what not. Anyways I'm getting tired of writing so...I guess my last tip would be just not being selfish, especially in regards to bans and what not. Good luck and stuff! (By the way I lag out way to much to play ranked consistently so don't necessarily consider these tips all totally proven viable...I just know lots of stuff from things I hear and see in friends ranked matches and my own to some extent...but I bought myself good internet and finally finished building my computer so I should be back in business within the next week)

Even if these tips weren't directed at me, you actually made me feel a bit better about the entire ranked situation. Knowing the entire situation of lower elo players being overwhelmed and etc. made me feel like I can jump a bit higher in elo without any issues. Thanks for the help, might make the experience a lot better.

Anyway, we need to play sometime, haven't talked to you in a while and you seem like you'd be fun to play with, considering you seem to know so much about the game, haha.