Ok but listen up, It cant be a store that only sells my work... it needs to sell all our works, we can land in commissions for every sale by percentage and all we will need to do is assign people with separate tasks so that we all have a focus area and then it may run smoothly.
[Extreme]--> We are here (Cool Place)------------------------------------------u are all the way over There--->(Uncool) You
Yeah, we've had our fair share of spam, me bring the unfortunate prime source of it all. Clan stores in our name have been attempted a few times, if it's successful, I'll consider doing some art, but I have major doubts about it due to the previous failures.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Revive the damn art thread
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Okay, Ima revive it, Im pro reviver. By the way, where is in-game request thread? :v

Apathetic User
Originally Posted by Vendoor View Post
Okay, Ima revive it, Im pro reviver. By the way, where is in-game request thread? :v
We do not have one. You can post here if you wish to, at the least I don't think we have one.

Originally Posted by cozzakilll View Post
Yeah, we've had our fair share of spam, me bring the unfortunate prime source of it all. Clan stores in our name have been attempted a few times, if it's successful, I'll consider doing some art, but I have major doubts about it due to the previous failures.

Yeah, I'm one of themmm spammers.

Btw, Im feeling lazy so whoever finds me the old show yourself thread gets 500 Tc ;3
Thanks clips <3

Spamming is 4 pros. Atleast in my opinion :v

I know, my opinions sucks.

Clips: LoL. Here.

Apathetic User
Originally Posted by Vendoor View Post
Thanks clips <3

Spamming is 4 pros. Atleast in my opinion :v

I know, my opinions sucks.

Clips: LoL. Here.

Love, this is not the old thread
Here let me show you what I meant, read the quote below.
Originally Posted by kameron View Post
Do what the thread name says.
I remade this thread cause the old one got scraped, and I feel we needed this thread back.

Feel free to close it if I am mistaken

dat sexiness

Oh whoopsie ;d

Dayummm.. Couldnt find the thread ;-;

Is it deleted or something? :v

Apathetic User
bad internet today. Disconnected every round when I'm playing. Hard to post something.
Anyway, for avoiding spams, let's chat in the IRC. It's kinda unused for a long time.
Originally Posted by Vendoor View Post
Okay, Ima revive it, Im pro reviver.

Let's revive the IRC