;-; Can't stand people leaving a clan, Especially the leader (Ypsilon/Cry of Death was my first clan and Zockinator [the leader] left)
~(._.~) | I'm a replay maker... I swear | (~._.)~
Nobody wants or knows how to lead. That's the thing. So I just put my second in command up. Sorry if it feels like I am trying to pass the trouble onto you all, I didn't want this....
I know dark, me neither, we've worked hard for this clan, but it's time to let it go.. It've been one of the best clans i've been in, everyone have been nice, we've been like a big family, and that's how a clan shoul be. But it's time to let it go, we can't revive it again. And either way if we does, it's just gonna die again.. :c

With that said, I'm leaving, I love this clan, but it wont survive long, good bye flip. Hope you'll rest in peace
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
good bye sj i understand what u say buy me ill die with clan it was my first clan in my tb career so ill stay here and try my best to revive it and if i fail... ill die
just a fancy signature