Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Faint wins, if you're on NA just add hippybob. If not then i'll pick someone else.

Too many maths too stronk.
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
I'll let you guys in on a little secret

see this cunt

think he sucks now because no one plays him anymore?

coming from a jayce main if you still take him top you're, well, let's just say way to fucking be, you're losing more lanes than you should be.

Remember panth mid when BC stacked? Yeah well fuck him too.

Take this motherfucking cunt mid.

I'll tell you why you stupid shit.

-blues for that mana intensive bitch
-roam like tf with your E R
-bitches in mid dont build sustain or armor
-bitches in mid sometimes dont even carry armor runes (they rarely do at 1700)
-Homeguard, E, and R will get you back to mid lane faster than the enemy can feed you
-in ranked/draft you can fp jayce mid and they'll think you're top

Start with the flask, 5 pots, and a ward, and never die to ganks.

Build BT first, then BC, then GA.

Max Q first, Q>E>R>W and dont even give a shit about R and W until Q and E are maxed.

Harass with EQ for the first 4-5 levels, and when you're level 6 start doing the EQ in ranged then R to melee, go through accel gate, QE in melee.

Enjoy your free wins

here are some testimonials from earlier games:

(after our nocturne fed her 2 kills. I lost the game but dominated the lane) Got first blood vs her. Finished 3-3-4 on a team that went something like 10-30

(Finished 17-1-11) Got first blood vs her

(Finished 6-1-3) Got first blood vs him

(Lost 9-3-6) got first blood vs him

I'm not exaggerating any of this stuff


And I later confirmed him that he did, in fact, finish s2 with 2500 elo.

Proof nobody gives a shit about armor in mid

You got me convinced. I was looking for a new champ to play and I remembered playing Jayce when he was free. Super fun stuff. Anyway, because of this I'm going to go buy him now. Also, I added you to my friend list so if you get an invite from some fag called Its Aslan then it's me.
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
Faint wins, if you're on NA just add hippybob. If not then i'll pick someone else.

Too many maths too stronk.


I'll add you tomorrow or something, if not, just add me.

Name on NA: Nokturnall

On a side-note, I've recently hit level 30 and I decided to try my hand at a few Ranked matches. I've won 3, and lost the other 3. The 3 I won were due to average/good teams who did not complain at every slight error each person made. The 3 I lost were because of idiot teams who complain about every little mistake. We lost an entire game due to someone AFKing because top gave first blood.

tl;dr: I'd like some tips on ranked before I start playing it a lot. I used to play it on an old level 30 I had at the start of Season 2, but that was Season 2, this is Season 3, and I'd like a few pointers in the right direction.

Any tips?
Last edited by Faint; Dec 24, 2012 at 07:31 AM.
I hit level 30 a bit ago, and tried my first ranked matches ever today. I won both of them :>

I don't know, I don't have much experience, but what I have noticed is to never give up. In the first game, we went 3/1 and it was great, but we threw. We found ourselves at like 5/8, but we took dragon, split pushed and took the gold advantage. We never took the kill advantage but we out pushed, and out farmed them. We had it, we threw it, and we got it back by not giving up.

On the second game, we were 1/4 with an enemy 3/0 Jungle Lee Sin at 6:00. Yes, it was very scary. I stacked some armor, camped mid lane, fed our ahri, and then we took control around 15:00, when I stacked armor and health. At the end of the game, I had 235 armor, and 4k health. While the enemies pounded on me, the rest of my team did their job and we aced, and pushed to the nexus.
We need to start duo queing sham, I can't stand these totally random teams who don't agree with me at all, might be nice to play with someone I at least know often.
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
You got me convinced. I was looking for a new champ to play and I remembered playing Jayce when he was free. Super fun stuff. Anyway, because of this I'm going to go buy him now. Also, I added you to my friend list so if you get an invite from some fag called Its Aslan then it's me.

yeah i got the friend req, was wondering who it was. accepted that shit.

But he is actually really strong in mid. My tactic for landing the shock blast/accel gate combo is when they go into cs they typically stand near creeps, and thats when i do it. the aoe from hitting the creeps tends to be big enough to hit hte enemy champ. You push like a mad cunt doing this though, hence the ward at the start. Also watch your positioning, since they typically CS from near the caster minions, you have to make sure you have a clear line to them.

Very rarely do I follow it up with a QE in melee prior to level 6 because Q nor E dont do much damage yet. Sometimes it will hurt them, like I've gotten first bloods at level 3 before due to landing a QE combo in ranged, them not using an hp pot, then landing another QE, switching to hammer, QE and ignite then. Most of the time my first bloods are around level 4-5 however. The only game where I haven't gotten a first blood is when another lane gets it first, and very rarely do I lose in a straight 1v1 without a tower/jungler gank.

And it does work, I have 19 ranked games as jayce with a KDA average of 8.3/3.3/9.7 so it's definitely OP as hell (hopefully enough to carry me to diamond) and 63.2% win rate. These are including about 4 or so games where i was top prior to realizing mid jayce is much more better.

Most important things playing jayce:

Mana management.
Not going balls deep because of how strong you are (I''ve dove towers at level 3 before thinking i could get a kill)
Knowing when to harass/poke

I'll upload a LoLreplay when the website is working.
Last edited by 2worlds; Dec 24, 2012 at 08:34 AM.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
Since I'm feeling sleep deprived I'd like to offer you guys a chance at winning something worth 975 rp or less just guess a number and whichever number I like the most will get something, 1 number per person.

I'll decide on xmas eve who wins.


Why do i know Pi to 12 decimal places... >.>
Originally Posted by Faint View Post
We need to start duo queing sham, I can't stand these totally random teams who don't agree with me at all, might be nice to play with someone I at least know often.

Totally ;o

I would also like someone that I know isn't a retard. I just dodged a ranked game in the lobby because this guy asked what an adc was. I told him that it was an attack damage champ that is ranged. He said "can't I go top anivia", locked anivia, and then my team was fine with him going adc anivia bot lane instead. Nope.