Originally Posted by Bojka View Post
What about kitty?
She will be invited again?
Also x-mas are coming, you guys got any plans?
I'm going to get drunk with friends as always :v

My family is trying to get together. My Mother is going to make a big Christmas dinner and I am just going to eat till my heart explodes.
Who the fuck is Juicy Tin?
I know I'm all into meeting new members, but I think we have enough
and please tell me who invited him?
Edit: Never mind He seems cool
Last edited by MrBoXMan; Dec 10, 2012 at 09:12 PM.

Originally Posted by Isolations View Post

You can't just claim being an ally like some cheap soda or something.
No one cares how old you are.
No one cares when you joined.
No one cares why or how your using an alt. (I you even are that is. Which is highly unlikely.)
No one cares about your "brother" acting so fucking retarded that he's gotten a considerable amount of bans.
No one cares why you left.
No one cares what "conclusion" you've conjured.

This post wreaks of utter bullshit.


This is Hilarious. +1 Internets to you, good sir.
Also, as box said who are these new members that don't post applications?
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Hey guys. I'm back. This is Flamezzzzz by the way, lots of name changes
Thanks for accepting me back. Love you all <3
Oh, and Inferno. Gimme dat War Hero rank bruh <3
Clay Is Gay.
Welcome back flamezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,
or I meen Soap, hopefully your still as gay as ever

Of course man. I eat 12 dicks every morning to keep my gay levels up.
And yes, you should say Soap. Tired of everyone adding 10 million Z's >.>
I moved you into "Recruits" - Why? I don't think it's right that you can leave and get your exact same rank back in a heartbeat. People earn their ranks. You leave and come back, you earn it all over again. Sorry.

It's good that you are back though.

I'm sorry Inferno/Ave. Feel free to disagree.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

Nah, I agree. Plus my browser is being a real pain-in-the-a** right now, and won't let me change ranks anyway.

Might kick some people though.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]