I already got Invited before for 2 times, and didn't accepted...
Now I may think If Tman gift me some thing
~ [Tribe]Shade ~
Hey I'm Doborex and I have the black belt
My best Mods are Akaido,Mushu,Wushu and Twinswords.
I hope you noticed my Application and decide if I could join
your amazing clan :3
Unimportant :D
for this i can add unimportant facts like: my reqal name is julian,im from germany,I have a youtube channel named xXDoborexXx
Former Clans-[Asian] (It closed)
Belt-Brown Belt (Almost Black Belt)
Best Mods-Akidio,Judo,Lenshu,Akidiobigdojo
Time Of Playing-Around A Year Now
Why To Want To Join-I want to join because I believe I can be "cozy" in this clan.
Other-I am 14 years old. I try to play everyday. I don't shovel. I am trying to join this clan. I am pretty active in the forums. I think I have finish my application. :P
Team Sad