Welcome brigada.... You should join our skype so we can hear your badass accent hahaha
"You have every right to be offended, just don't cry when no one cares."
Originally Posted by Skizzify View Post
yeah to all the new guys joining, give us your skype names so we can invite yall




i dont use skype much but feel free to add me @ facebook:scoville131
♥Team Aikido♦OoT♣Team Lenshu♠
~Link is my personal Dj
in voice chat it will be difficult to communicate, because I'm Russian
I don't really know English, use translator
- Why did you pick Evil, what makes us any different from other clans?

I've recognized this clan several times and it gave more interest to me than the other clans. This group seems very successful and has been around for a while now, along with some experienced members in-game and forum wise.

- In what ways do you think you'll be a good addition of the community?

I will surely be a good addition to the clan forum wise and in-game. I am capable of doing good during clan wars, tourneys and events such as clan league.

- Are you active in game? Or are you active on the forums? (can be both)

Not gonna lie, my in-game activity overpowers my forum activity, but that can always improve. I will remind the clan beforehand if I am not able to access my computer due to school or any events that take away my free-time.

- Will you take part in clan wars/future clan leagues?

Of course, if there's an opportunity, I'll be down for anything.

- Have you ever been banned before? (If so for what? Include your alts...)

I have a clean record, no bans or infractions, but maybe like one or two warnings since I'm a rebel.

- Do you have any alts? (if so, name them.)

I have a couple that I rarely use; Opener, kkz, and my very first toribash account, KazuMaster, created in 2012.

- How many members (of evil) are you friendly with? Can you name them?

If you know me well I am friendly with most of the community, but as far as I can remember, I have played with Zorow, Ryder24, rcrichman, Taco, and Chintu. I'm also pretty chill with Tripstone as well.

- What clans were you previously in? Did you leave them or were you kicked out?

The clans I remember being part of are Catalyst, le, Vibe, im, and nao aka Soap. I have also created a clan named Ocean which made it to rank 4 and died because of leader problems. I left most of these due to the clan dying or problems with the clan's activity. Other than that, I have never been kicked from any clan.

- Do you have any special skills? (If so, please share your work/skill.)

I create art for the community, but haven't been doing so since school is sucking up all my free-time. I still manage to find time for a couple games of toribash everyday though. I am also pretty good lacrosse and wrestling, and maybe some competitive smash bros (ProjectM & Melee). Btw, I will add a link below for some of the art I've created overtime.

I am Evil
My skype is (zwift.12) if you need to ask any questions.
Last edited by Zwift; Sep 20, 2016 at 11:35 PM.