Endurance Onslaught 6.0
So I was playing SS13.

>Spawn as Warden
>Get riot gear
>Bored to death 15 minutes in
>No assholes to jail
>See a silhouette of a cloaked guy in the brig (jail area where I work) (a cloak being a traitor item)
>Tell detective
>Think nothing of it
>Suddenly reports of a guy with an axe and a cloak approaching the armoury
>Reports that he went away
>Get thermals so I can see cloaked people
>Traitor hunting engage
>Spot traitor
>Chase his ass of
>Shot him with taser
>Handcuff him
>Accidentaly take his cuffs off while I strip him of his shit
>Chase him to the arrival hallway
>Lose him
>Go back to brig
>Spot the fuck again
>Shot him with taser
>Fucker goes down
>Detective picks him up
>Suddenly fucking rogue cybogs and AI
>New law
>Oh boy
>"Purge all the security"
>Detective gets shot by cyborgs
>Commrade security officers rush in to help
>They get shot too
>I try to pull em away
>Dodge cyborg shots like a boss
>Can't pull em away
>Run for my life
>Shuttle is called at this point
>Run to escape
>The fucking traitor comes up cloaked near the escape doors
>I shot him with my taser
>Choke him while smashing his head out with my riot shield
>Throw his dead body in a locker
>Get on shuttle

Successful Warden play.
Last edited by dbuhos; Sep 30, 2011 at 07:36 PM.
Centuries Of Damn
Originally Posted by Rainbowz View Post
Playing Fallout: New Vegas.

I'd just like to say something... I FUCKING HATE CAZADORS, FUCK THEM... No, I'm seriously not over reacting. They are fucking insanely difficult...

Indeed you are not overreacting.

On another note:
Originally Posted by Rainbowz View Post
I hate them so much, they make me want to cut myself, oh my god.

One of the types of people I've hated so very much for their whinery are emo-kids, mainly because they're egotistical brats.
Please do not be one of these.
Well Lars, someone doesn't have to be emo to self injure themselves.
My ex used to do it before we got together. I'm pretty sure she does it now.
Originally Posted by crazylars View Post

One of the types of people I've hated so very much for their whinery are emo-kids, mainly because they're egotistical brats.
Please do not be one of these.

Only person I'm looking to harm in this instance is you... I'M... NOT... EMO...

I used it as term of speech. Saying that something made me want to cause harm to myself from how bad it was... it's like saying that you want to bash your head against a wall because of how annoying something is.

I'm getting rather sick of having to explaining everything lately...

Anyway, Skyrim comes out in like 48 days if my maths is correct (it probably isn't)
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
At first I was like

but then I



and so I ended up like

Fuck yeah The Binding of Isaac.
More story.

>Spawn as Warden once again.
>Delinquents pouring in every 4 minutes.
>Get reports of traitors all around the station
>E-Sword wielders
>As Warden I'm not supposed to leave the brig
>Do searches all day long on prisoners
>Most of the time find nothing of interest
>Sometimes find a bloody fire extinguisher or personnel ID's
>Nothing out the ordinary
>Suddenly a security cyborg comes in dragging the Head of Personnel after him
>He apparently killed people
>Bring him in for 10 minutes
>Get incredibly bored
>Let him out with 4 minutes of jail time left
>While I was searching and throwing people in the jail the right side of the station got tore up by the singularity and the rest was flooded by plasma
>Escape shuttle arrives
>Grab a prisoner that was still in jail
>Try to pull him to the shuttle
>Some fuck sets the plasma on fire right in front of me
>Lose the prisoner in the raging fire
>On my way to the shuttle I notice the Head of Personnel stabbing the fuck out an officer with an esword in the maintenance area near the medical bay (Fuck yeah thermals)
>I let this fuck out with 4 minutes of the sentence left and though nothing of it...
>Oh you son of a bitch, you ain't escaping this time
>Rush in
>Shot him with an energy gun
>Stunned him
>Bash him over the head with my riot shield, luckily knocking him out in one hit
>Rip his shit apart with his own heretical e-sword
>Officer dies...unluckily
>Sprint my way towards the escape shuttle, skipping through the void of space several times, from ship piece to ship piece
>Make it to the shuttle
>Crawl my way through the crowded crew area to the security area

Needles to say the station got massively raped.
Last edited by dbuhos; Oct 1, 2011 at 08:48 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Centuries Of Damn
So like, free game today and tomorrow, or something like that?


I remember this. Good times. Um, also free chiptunes?

I'm really wanting The Binding of Isaac, Magika and then some.
Last edited by Acavado; Oct 8, 2011 at 07:36 AM.