View Poll Results: Where is tl;dr?
4 Votes / 36.36%
7 Votes / 63.64%
Voters: 11. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

Real name: Kyle
Current QI: 1700, on the dot
Skills(Replay making, art): I enjoy making single player replays in my spare time, but I wouldnt say that I'm exceptional at them.
Age: 15
GMT: -7
Why you want to join: I know most of you guys, and you seem pretty awesome as a clan. I'm getting pretty bored without a clan right now, and you seem like a type of group that can cure my boredom. Plus, we have a similar GMT all around.

Previous clans: Co-leader of Piratez. I quit for several reasons, but mainly because the leaders Spacellama and Urichunt2 left.

50 words about yourself(Required): Well, what can I say? I'm a 15 year old trying to survive high school. I'm originally from New York, and moved to Colorado about 4 years ago. I can be serious and mature when nesessary, but usually I'm a laid back kinda guy. Also, I can be quite sarcastic, which I found this clan has a sense of.
I've been playing TB for about 6 months now. I'm usually active on both the forums and IRC. My favorite and best mod is Aikido, but I'm trying to broaden my skill set a little bit.

References: I've seen Tyler and Reanimator ingame every once in a while, and I know Corey pretty well.

Edit: I'm in IRC at the moment, if anyone wants to talk.
Last edited by Cretor; Mar 2, 2010 at 08:37 PM.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

Seems cool, I'll give him my yes.

Also, polls are gay. No point in spamming our own boards with 'em.