Endurance Onslaught 6.0
My number is 2. Because all you need is two to love <3


Anywho, scumbag Riot, making it impossible to not go bankrupt on skins. Second trip in a week for more skin money :s

Edit: Aaaaaannnnnddddd Vi is hella borked. Build tanky dps, still wreck everything, pull of 1v3 against two bruisers and an adc.
Last edited by Oracle; Dec 20, 2012 at 03:33 PM.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Black Cleaver, Iceborn Gauntlet and Blade of the Ruined King have such great synergy on Vi.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Trinity force is hella fun on her as well. Impossible to escape from pretty much, and damage out that caboozle.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I'm loving maokai jungle. Although I don't usually get kills, I pretty much carry in ganks early game. In the first ten minutes of this game, I was 3/0/6, had counter jungled the enemies, ganked each lane at least 2 times, and had counterganked the enemy lee sin. Our darius died a ton, because he would run into a 1v5, get 3 kills by just dunking vi, teemo, and alistar, but then die to Jayce. We almost threw, but nah. I had like 3.5k health, 100 AP, and a bit of armor and tenacity.

Yeah since ive returned i might as well post whats going on my LoL life even though no one probably cares

Revaray got permabanned right when i reached 2000 elo season 2, lots of money lost
im playing on a level 13 account at the moment, so if anyone's low level on the EUNE server, add Vrow for some grinding to 30

Also, even after the nerf, thanks to black cleaver and the arp changes in s3, Talon's holding a ridiculously high win rate compared to his s2 one.Seems that riot didnt give up on the ad casters after all
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Sham you cannot chose the same number as me!

Also, why dies everone get that gauntlet on vi? She has no AP stacking abilities. so seriously why!