Originally Posted by Shnok View Post
fucking high rude dude

i didnt even notice how red my eyes were

Originally Posted by Snook View Post

k-kyaaa now i cant get married anymore!
take responsibility s-senpai!!!
are you shy? That's cute ;)
Im basically god and rules dont apply to my high status so ill post a selfie of myself and tristan

First one is daddy tristan and the second one is me
Last edited by Mike; Nov 25, 2017 at 07:47 PM.
Originally Posted by Icosagon View Post

k-kyaaa now i cant get married anymore!
take responsibility s-senpai!!!

I have a strict no kouhai policy.


Originally Posted by Kozmonaut View Post
Im basically god and rules dont apply to my high status so ill post a selfie of myself and tristan

I'll cut your fucking nipples >: (
Originally Posted by Snook View Post
I have a strict no kouhai policy.


I'll cut your fucking nipples >: (

I want you to tho