Not really i dont mind having this thread but theres rarely anything important. If its important luke a war youre gonna say it on skype and not on the forums to get people in fast

Sorry for the typos but im on my phone
I have the shiniest meat bicycle!
Shhhhhhh shhhhh agonist.....
Anyways, what happened to that event?

"Kill them with kindness and bury them with a smile"
God ABD player and masterful Daycare.tbm connoisseur
@Everyone: Heyyy, I'm the clan's robotic ally if you don't know me or if you are newly recruited. Anyways, haven't checked on my old, amazing clan in a while, how's it goin' guys ?

@Boap: Is it possible if I play ABD with some of you and your new members ? :333
Haha! Ur mad!
wait iprime is chimmy? xD
the only thing i remember about chimmy is that he sucked at spars back in the days
Reapin' on
Eh, sorry for my random activity spikes. I often get busy suddenly with big assessments and need to focus my time on those but when I have time i'm always on.
How is everyone else? Any events in the works, or just big news in general?
It is quite Toasty in hell... Wouldn't you agree?